
MTN Uganda exceeds commitments to support St. Joseph’s Aid Society in '30 Days of Y’ello Care' Campaign

What you need to know:

  • MTN Mobile Money (U) Ltd staff, under the '30 Days of Y’ello Care' campaign in commemoration of MTN Group’s 30th anniversary,  have exceeded their initial commitments at St. Joseph’s Aid Society, with the prevision of 20 computers equipped with a year-long paid internet subscription.

  • The company’s staff also actively participated in the construction of new sanitation facilities and revitalized the school's vegetable garden.

  • This development comes barely a month since the company contributed 80 school beds and mattresses under the MTN Changemakers Initiative, marking the beginning of increased support, following students' requests for improved sanitation facilities.

  • This year’s '30 Days of Y’ello Care' campaign reaffirms MTN Uganda’s position as a forward-thinking corporate leader dedicated to fostering societal growth and development through strategic community-focused initiatives.

MTN Mobile Money (U) Ltd staff, under the '30 Days of Y’ello Care' campaign in commemoration of MTN Group’s 30th anniversary, on Friday June 7 exceeded their initial commitments at St. Joseph’s Aid Society, with the prevision of 20 computers equipped with a year-long paid internet subscription.

The computers will be linked to the National Curriculum Development Centre platform, enabling students and teachers to access study materials for the competence-based curriculum for lower secondary education.

St. Joseph’s Aid Society is a community-based organization dedicated to the welfare of vulnerable students in Kyankwanzi District.

The company’s staff also actively participated in the construction of new sanitation facilities, planted 100 fruit trees and revitalized the school's vegetable garden. These initiatives enrich students' learning experiences with practical agricultural skills and promote sustainability and good nutrition.

This year’s campaign, commemorating MTN Group’s 30th anniversary with the theme “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow: Education for Rural and Remote Communities,” is focused on leveraging technology to enhance educational access and quality.

Richard Yego, Managing Director at MTN Mobile Money (U) Ltd, emphasized the strategic focus on enhancing educational facilities in underserved areas.

“Our commitment extends beyond mere provision; it is about enabling a modern, connected life through education. This initiative helps to diminish the technological gaps that often hinder rural and remote education,” he said.

Yego said the ongoing initiatives align with MTN MoMo’s support for Uganda Vision 2040 and Sustainable Development Goal 4, which advocate for inclusive and quality education.

This development comes barely a month since the company contributed 80 school beds and mattresses under the MTN Changemakers Initiative, marking the beginning of increased support, following students' requests for improved sanitation facilities.

MTN MoMo MD Richard Yego joins staff in the construction of sanitation facilities at St. Joseph's Aid Society in Kyankwanzi District on June 7, 2024.

“Responding to the community needs with immediacy and impact is part of our core ethos at MTN MoMo. We are determined to provide facilities that ensure a safe, dignified, and conducive learning environment,” Yego added.

Taddeo Sekamanya, the head teacher at St. Joseph’s Aid Society in Kigando, commended MTN for their contribution towards enhancing the welfare of the institution’s students.

“We pledge to utilize the provided resources to improve the quality of education for our students,” he stated.

Christine Bukenya Ssendawula, the Woman Member of Parliament for Kyankwanzi District and the event's chief guest, expressed gratitude to MTN Uganda for their support.

“The computers and other educational materials supplied to the school will not only create a conducive learning environment but also equip students with essential skills for the digital era,” she said.

MTN staff plants fruit trees at St. Joseph's Aid Society in Kigando in Kyankwanzi District as part of the 30 Days of Y'ello Care on June 7, 2024.

The 21 Days of Y'ello Care, now in its 17th year, continues to reflect MTN's commitment to community engagement, with MTN staff dedicating time and skills to address vital community needs including education and health. The program has significantly contributed to societal welfare across Africa since its inception in 2007.

In addition to educational initiatives, the MTN Foundation has also engaged in several youth empowerment programs such as the MTN Skills Academy and the MTN Ace program, designed to enhance digital skills and foster employability and entrepreneurship among Ugandan youth.

MTN MoMo MD Richard Yego participates in expanding land for food production at St. Joseph's Aid Society in Kigando during the 30 Days of Y'ello Care on June 7, 2024.

This year’s '30 Days of Y’ello Care' campaign reaffirms MTN Uganda’s position as a forward-thinking corporate leader dedicated to fostering societal growth and development through strategic community-focused initiatives.

30 Days of Y’ello Care partners



1. Tecno Mobile Uganda

Set up teacher resource centres in four rural schools

2. Maendeleo Foundation

Digital and Financial literacy Training

3. Sense International

Inclusive education

Pavicon Group

Provided essential schools suppliers including books, sanitary pads, geometrical sets, chalk, rulers etc.

ATC Uganda

Provide computer equipment


Teacher Continuous Professional Development

5. Genja

Menstrual Hygiene Training

6. Facesup

Facilitate Art for livelihood

Roofings Group

Provided 500 fruit trees to selected schools


Provide eLearning platform with new curriculum content for teachers and learners

8. BAmentor

Provide scholastic materials

9. BurnRadio

Youth life skilling and empowerment

10. Casey Foundation Africa

Combating teen pregnancies and early child marriages in rural communities

11. Wazi Vision limited

Free eye checkups and consultation in rural communities

12. PinkCode

Digital skilling in remote areas and digital human rights in teens to combat internet abuse, bullying and vices

13. Klaire Makeovers

Reading advocate and motivator of dreaming big

14. Malaika Reusable pads and Jars of Clay

Promote retention and learning outcomes

15. MFI Office Solution

Provide printer to school

16. MoICT&NG

Lead on Digital Transformation Road Map

17. MoES

Lead on education policy

18. MoGLSD

Advocate for Youth and children affairs

19. Centenary Technology Services

Facilitate digital literacy

20. Centenary Foundation

Provide scholastic materials

21. Financial Markets Consultant

Financial literacy

22. Ministry of Kampala and Metropolitan

Policy oversight and delivery of integrated quality urban services 

23. Kampala Capital City Authority

Deliver Quality Services to the City
