China-Uganda Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference signs six projects

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The conference led to several collaborations including on-site signings for projects on the export of household appliances and the import of agricultural and sideline products from Africa, the construction of a land port, the procurement of equipment for the Lubowa International Hospital in Uganda, medical gloves and other products sold in Uganda

About 150 government officials, business leaders, and enterprise representatives attended the China (Changsha)-Uganda Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference in Kampala on May 13. Six procurement and cooperation agreements were signed on site, with a total amount of more than 300 million yuan.

The conference led to several collaborations including on-site signings for projects on the export of household appliances and the import of agricultural and sideline products from Africa, the construction of a land port, the procurement of equipment for the Lubowa International Hospital in Uganda, medical gloves and other products sold in Uganda.

The Management Committee of Longping Hi-Tech Park, Changsha International Trade Group Co., Ltd., and Red Star Industrial Group Co., Ltd. shared the results of their cooperation with Africa and their plans and said they would continue to promote the modernization of agriculture in Uganda and other African countries, support the import and export of African agricultural products, and promote the blossoming of China-Africa cooperation projects.

“The agricultural products imported by Red Star Global Agricultural Wholesale Center from Africa are mainly fruits, seafood, and flowers, with imports in 2023 reaching 180 million yuan and the total trading volume and turnover increasing by more than 50% year on year,” Luo Yue, Party Secretary and Chairman of the board of Red Star Industrial Group said. He also said the company would increase cooperation in agricultural products with enterprises and chambers of commerce in Africa and expand the international "circle of friends", enabling global transactions. 

As early as 2003 Kampala, Changsha, and Nairobi became sister cities.

In recent years, economic, trade, and cultural exchanges between Uganda and Changsha have become increasingly close. Uganda’s second-hand construction machinery industrial park is advancing steadily; Karumar Hydropower Station and other projects built by Changsha enterprises are renowned in Africa; Uganda’s cocoa, nuts, and other agricultural products have become the favorite daily food of Changsha citizens...In 2023, Changsha's imports and exports to Uganda reached 130 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11%.

The China (Changsha)-Uganda Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference was held in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, attended by about 150 government officials. Photo/Courtesy

While Uganda has many advantages in minerals, agriculture, and manpower, Changsha has a good industrial foundation in engineering machinery, new energy vehicles, and electronic information. Cooperation between the two sides will be highly complementary and have a great deal of potential.

An investment and trade promotion conference between China (Changsha) and Uganda was successfully held by the Changsha Municipal Government on April 25, 2023. Uganda and Changsha continue to intensify their economic and trade cooperation with this year's conference.

An official from Changsha Municipal Bureau of Commerce stated that Changsha will assist more Changsha businesses in investing in Uganda, carry out more industrial cooperation, co-construction of parks, and other projects, and said that the two sides will achieve more success.

Prior to the conference, the delegation also visited some Chinese-funded projects in Uganda conducted by the Sinohydro Engineering Bureau No. 8 Co., Ltd, China Oil HBP Group, Tiantang Group, and other companies, focusing on deepening the understanding of the current Sino-Ugandan economic and trade cooperation and exchanging information on the challenges and opportunities for Chinese-funded enterprises to do business in Uganda, which will provide important references and inspirations for the future international layout of Changsha enterprises.

The promotion conference was hosted by the Changsha Municipal People’s Government and co-organized by the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Uganda Investment Bureau, and the Management Committee of Longping Hi-Tech Park.