Musicians Cindy, Sheebah rave in mega Kololo battle

Cindy Sanyu (L), Sheebah Karungi (R)

What you need to know:

Months of top-level preparations were summed up in one night that saw Sheebah taking on Cindy in what appeared to be their biggest music night in their respective careers

The battle lines were drawn last evening for the highly anticipated first female on stage musical clash. Kololo Grounds was the venue where two of Uganda’s top female artistes battled for supremacy.

Months of top-level preparations were summed up in one night that saw Sheebah taking on Cindy in what appeared to be their biggest music night in their respective careers.

The pressure was on the fans as well. Each camp was wearing branded t-shirts with their artistes, they carried placards and settled in their designated places where their artiste was going to perform from on a split stage.

The stage was huge with every artiste with their band, deejay dancers and emcees accessing it using different entrances.

But the last round of their display was arguably the most interesting. Cindy and Sheebah were called on stage for continuity of their rave in a concert organized by Victoria University. They had to do two song each for about 45 minutes until the end of the show.

Kasuku who was the driver of the show explained the rules and regulations of the game saying “every artiste would be doing a 20-minute set for the first sessions before they proceed with two songs each during the last.”

Interruptions were limited by muting rival microphones with a coin toss to determine who was to sing first in several competitive sessions.

Earlier, Sheeba’s entrance was of a real queen as she emerged seated in a chair carried aloft by about four giant men. Her rival on the night took to the stage in a box with a big crown atop.

In their final performances, the artistes performed over seven songs in each of their three first sessions, not exceeding the 20 minutes they were given. Everyone was at liberty to exhibit her talent the way she wanted in her own time.

Among the songs Sheebah did include Nabaleka and Sitani Tonkema with Roden Y, Nyinza, Nsekula, did I die with Vampino, Muwe, Silwana with Carol Nantongo, Engeri and Boyfire among others while Cindy Still standing, Tebimala with Vyper Ranking, give me dat, selecta, boomparty, dancehall and temple, copycat and ayokyayoka.

By the end of the show, each camp claimed victory at the battle but Cindy’s team seemed louder on a night when chaotic MCs, mostly Zahara Toto, also stole headlines.