The thing that took grasshoppers could have taken Nyege Nyege

What you need to know:

Even the grasshoppers have chosen not to risk this city...

RIP Nyege Nyege: If I am to count one of the greatest decisions I made this year, not showing up for Nyege Nyege was one of those. It seems to me that over the years, Nyege Nyege has attracted more of the kind driven by the base desires than people on a search for artistic expression... I guess, it is that point when Nyege Nyege is at the crossroads, it must choose which way to go. Dumb it down? Lose all the purity and just be another trade fair?

I had a funny feeling about Nyege Nyege this year. It was all in the air. I have always prided myself in having the most fantastic intuition. I can smell a great party months away. This intuition is something that grows within you, I had to earn it in my early youthful years. In those years, we partied at everything that had a name called ‘party.’ At some places we were bounced, at others, we bribed the bouncers. We travelled miles for a good party. And that is how we came to be in the early days of Nyege Nyege long before most came to know about the event.

And those were days when we had no cars to our names, just small tokens to threaten with and nothing more. But there’s something original about the days when you do not have much. There is a purity you create from the heart. Something gets messed up about the artistic soul once it makes some money. It is not easy to keep that artistic soul. I suspect the same happened to Nyege Nyege. Because, how come I could not even get an inch of FOMO?

Regardless of how many photos and videos people kept sending me, there was nothing I could see that represented Nyege Nyege. All I saw were people invading the privacy of other festival goers? Was this Nyege Nyege? Sharing photos of people taking a bath in the river or choosing to go ancestral like Adam did? It seems to me that over the years, Nyege Nyege has attracted more of the kind that are driven by the base desires than people on a search for artistic expression.

If I am to count one of the greatest decisions I made this year, not showing up for Nyege Nyege was one of those. Of course, I did not bother getting a ticket. In the good old days, Ally and friends would shower me with tickets. It was the days when we artists mattered. In present days, it is about those with the money, it is the money on the table. Because again, why the many tents? Nyege Nyege was not a place for classes. You came here to relate on mutual grounds. It was a reminder that we are all just one, it is one grand consciousness. But hey, the Nyege Nyege people did not want to listen. I guess, it is that point when Nyege Nyege is at the crossroads, it must choose which way to go. Dumb it down? Lose all the purity and just be another trade fair? From the look of things, Bayimba could become the real thing now. Someone escapes to Lunkulu Island and is certain that within that island, there is something that speaks to the soul. For Nyege Nyege has lost soul and spirit.

Anyway, it also just seems like this was a week that wanted to work my nerves. See, I was also invited for that session where Juliana was giving some of her conver-sessions. Is that the word? I always avoided live shows, they come with a lot of performance (on the part of the audience). But for the princess, there is always more special requests. I want this, I want that. The invite stated that we were meant to be part of the live audience. Then moments into the show, I overheard that omuyimbi wanted her people at the forefront. And that is how the journalists and other folks that had occupied the centre spots were replaced. A number got annoyed and stormed out mid-way. But that is not the point. First, I understand Juliana’s concern for her people. On any day, I would do the same. But there was a mafia way with which the journos were treated. Luckily, I never rush for the centre spot. Anyway, what was the point I was making? It is back to mutual respect. There could have been a better way to arrange things at the show. Now I have vowed, the only person I want to watch perform live is Iryn Namubiru. Chaps are saying she is the real deal. I want to gather my own evidence. To my spies on the ground, please do let me know as soon as possible when rumour of her performance goes out.

I just hope nothing continues to work my nerves. At least I do not have to deal with Kampala’s potholes anymore. I have chosen to ply my trade between two roads; the Northern Bypass and the Expressway. I am only dating people along those routes. I cannot imagine having to date someone in Namuwongo. How would such a relationship work out? People who run relationships in Kampala, how do you do it? Even the grasshoppers have chosen not to risk being in this city. Why are you risking love? On another note, I want to send prior warnings to Uganda Airlines that this time round, I expect no more delayed flights. Any more delayed flights and I will camp at Jennifer’s office to seek a job. If they can’t run things, I will run them myself!

Twitter: ortegatalks