Does high blood pressure cause dizziness?

What you need to know:

  • When this pressure is high in the arteries, apart from causing symptoms including headache and dizziness among others, it can also lead to heart failure, heart attacks, stroke or even death.

I have been suffering bouts of dizziness and when I went to see a doctor, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Does high blood pressure cause dizziness? Annet Nabunya

Dear Annet,
High blood pressure, (hypertension) is generally when an adult’s blood pressure is consistently 130/80 mm Hg or higher. High blood pressure is the force of blood in the arteries when the heart pumps (upper reading) or when the heart relaxes (lower reading). 

When this pressure is high in the arteries, apart from causing symptoms including headache and dizziness among others, it can also lead to heart failure, heart attacks, stroke or even death.

Whenever a person feels dizzy, (off balance or sees their surroundings rotating when actually still), they should, among others, be investigated for problems affecting the ears or its nearby organs including the brain. They should also be checked for amounts of blood, stress and anxiety, heart or blood pressure (both low and high blood pressure), dehydration, hunger or low blood sugar.

Dizziness, (especially in those older than 55 years of age or with a history of high blood pressure), should addressed immediately since it may be an early warning sign of a high blood pressure related stroke with reduced oxygen supply to the brain causing dizziness.