Foods you should never keep in the fridge

What you need to know:

  • Cold storage is a necessity for many foods, but the chilly air of the fridge can have a negative effect on some healthy favourites.
  • Keep these foods at their best by keeping them out of the fridge

Many people think that keeping foods in cold environments keeps them fresher for longer. Although there are some foods such as dairy products that should be kept under refrigeration, there are some foodstuffs that should never be kept there according to Fausta Akech, a nutritionist at Healthy U.
Oranges and other citrus fruits for instance will stay longer if kept under refrigeration than if they are left out in the pantry.
“Eggs should be kept in a fridge as they need a constant temperature. After an egg is refrigerated, it must be kept at that temperature because if a cold egg is left out at room temperature it can sweat, thereby facilitating the growth of bacteria that could contaminate the egg,” Akech says.

When watermelon is whole, it is better kept at room temperature. This is because they are known to retain more antioxidants this way. Subjecting them to cold temperatures makes them lose their nutrient value.
However, after cutting, watermelons should be kept in the fridge. Just remember to wrap them after you cut them. Leaving them unwrapped will make them absorb the tastes of other foods.

When stored in the fridge, pumpkins will gather moisture that will cause them to rot. It is important that pumpkins do stay cool but it is also crucial that they stay dry as well. Cut out a piece of cardboard and sit your pumpkin in the basement or kitchen.

Storing tomatoes in the fridge damages the inner membrane of the tomato which alters the taste and flavour. Refrigerated tomatoes taste a bit watery and unripe. Keep them in a cool dry place and while they ripen, their flavour also increases.
“Tomatoes are not meant to be stored in the fridge. When you do this, you are killing all the nutrients contained therein. They will also lose their flavour and break down the molecules contained in them leaving them with no value. Ripen tomatoes in shelves for best results and eat them, while they are fresh,” Akech says.

Bread is commonly but wrongly stored in the fridge. Some people think living it at room temperature would make it dry but actually keeping bread in the fridge makes it tough and chewy. The moist and cold temperature accelerates its going bad.

Potatoes should ideally be stored in a cool, dry place such as a store room (pantry). Storing potatoes in the fridge turns the starch into sugar, causing your potato to be sweet and will be discoloured once cooked. Also, do not wash before storing as the dampness will accelerate decay.
“Potatoes once kept under refrigeration will become mushy and grainy and the starches in them will be broken down. They are better kept at room temperature or at the bottom of the pantry,” she says.

Too cool temperatures and humidity will cause the apples to ripen faster. However, they may last longer in room temperature than while they are under refrigeration.

If your bananas are not ripe enough, you should not put them in the fridge because cold temperatures turn them mushy and black as they do not have a natural defence in the cold. However, ripe bananas are safe to keep in the fridge.

Keep your avocados in open brown bags and outside the fridge. Putting them in the fridge hinders their ripening process. Storing avocados near bananas will accelerate their ripening process.

Garlic and onions
These should be stored in a cool and dry place. Putting them in the fridge will cause them to sprout and turn rubbery or even rot. They should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area and make sure it is dark to avoid sprouting.

Fausta Akech, a nutritionist at Healthy U, says: “The best way to store coffee is in an airtight container at room temperature. When it is chilled, it loses its flavour and even builds up condensation that can ruin coffee grounds. Humidity is not good for coffee grounds or beans.”