Functional fitness: What it is and how to do it

To avoid injury, start with simple exercises and gradually build momentum. PHOTO/

What you need to know:

  • Basically, functional fitness means working out for a purpose. It includes using multiple muscle groups simultaneously to help them work together for daily activities, and the workouts benefit improved strength, mobility, balance.

Being able to lift your grocery bag without pain in your shoulders or the ability to lift your baby are activities many believe we can do easily. 

However, this is not always the case. For example, someone suffering from a painful back will find those activities burdensome and difficult to complete. 

A senior citizen, for instance, will find it difficult to stand up from a sitting posture if their pelvic muscles are not strong enough. 

To avoid such inconveniences, Bart Samanya, a fitness trainer says one needs to engage in functional fitness training. 

“It is a type of strength training that prepares one’s body for daily activities. These exercises are invaluable because they ready us to ‘live life’ when doing normal activities such as pushing, pulling, squatting, and lifting,” he shares.

Samanya adds that these workouts will build one’s strength and better their range of motion since most daily activities involve the movement of several joints such as elbows, wrists, arms, hips, and shoulders.

Therefore, workouts such as bench presses will not feature here because their mechanics do not comprise the ordinary way one lives life. 

“The workouts are practical and imitate several daily activities. In that case, squats will be your best bet as an example of a functional exercise,” Megan Kihumuro, a fitness trainer, emphasises.

Suitcase deadlifts 
When lifting, our hands, arms, back, chest, and pelvic muscles are involved, thus the importance of this workout. 

“Firmly planting your feet on the ground, squat to take a hold of a kettlebell using your left hand. Then resume your starting position. Do the lifting with a straight back 12 times,” Kihumuro shares. 

Thereafter, switch to the right hand before returning to the left. She adds that as you work out, engage your core and ensure you squeeze your hips as the body returns to starting position. 

Squat-to-shoulder press
With feet shoulder-width apart and firmly placed on the ground, lower your body in a squat to pick up the dumbbell. 

“Ensuring you have a tight core, return to your starting position and hoist the dumbbell above your head,” Kihumuro says. She adds that whether you are using a barbell or dumbbell, keep it close to your shoulders and press up whenever you are returning to standing position. Do the workout for 15 repetitions in three sets.

Lateral shuffle bar pickup
Picking up an item from the floor may become a disastrous venture when one’s muscles are not well trained. That is where this workout is worth the effort. 
“Start by picking up a barbell or body bar from the ground. Then move two to three steps to the sides and put it on the ground. As you set it down, tighten your core to maintain a straight back, which will help protect your back,” Kihumuro says. 

This is a cardiovascular workout as well and one can do three sets; one minute per set. You may engage in functional training for different reasons including:

Enhanced strength
Yes, it is a strength training workout mimicking day-to-day activities. Therefore, one of the benefits is improving one’s strength. According to Samanya, this is because most of the workouts in functional training will better your stability and core and the more stable your core is, the stronger you get. And, since various muscle groups such as the biceps, quads, abs, and triceps are engaged, activities such as digging become easier.

Enhanced stability, balance
In life, there are several instances where your stability and balance will be put to the test. Therefore, it is important to work towards enhancing these as you work out. Samanya says balance and stability also becomes a worrying factor as one grows older. 

“You want to carry a box full of your tools without staggering or your child off a tree branch without toppling over. That is where workouts such as a lunge coupled with a shoulder press will come in handy,” he shares.  

Reduce cases of injury
A cracking sound as you reach out for that shovel, a sudden pain as you throw your baby up are all signs of muscles in poor shape. Kihumuro says while one might never get injured when working out within the guidelines, daily activities may send them to a physiotherapist. 

“Avoid such inconveniences when doing your favourite activities such as weeding your flower garden by indulging in functional fitness workouts. These will prepare the various muscle groups to help you live a happier life,” she says.