My child’s tooth is turning dark. What does this mean?

Dental concerns of children must be handled with much attention. PHOTO/COURTESY 

What you need to know:

  • If one or more of your child’s teeth are discoloured, this may also indicate a cavity or a tooth infection.

Have you noticed that one of your child’s teeth is turning an abnormal, dark colour? Whether it looks brown, gray, black, or is discoloured in any other way, you may be concerned. What could this mean? Do you need to see a dentist? 

First, think about any recent oral injuries your child may have experienced. Did they bump their mouth on something? Get hit while playing sports or horsing around? Or injure their mouth in any other way?

If so, this may be the cause of a tooth turning dark. This can happen even with relatively minor injuries. Not only that, but it can sometimes be hard to determine whether or not it is related to an oral injury, because it can take up to three weeks or longer for the tooth to change in colour.

When your child injures a baby tooth, it basically “bruises” the inside. This can happen even if the tooth did not become chipped or cracked due to dental trauma. If the impact was heavy enough to damage the internal blood supply, the blood will start to “leak” into the tooth over time.

Often, this may not result in any visible tooth discolouration. But in some cases, the tooth may turn dark and become discoloured. Most of the time, baby teeth will lighten back up and heal after this happens. This could take up to three to six months, though.

However, tooth discolouration after an oral injury could also indicate more severe damage or infection to the tooth. So it is best to see a dentist who will whether or not the child needs further treatment to restore their tooth.

If one or more of your child’s teeth are discoloured, this may also indicate a cavity or a tooth infection. Deep, large cavities can discolour the surface and interior of the enamel, leading to dark or brown stains.

If the tooth is infected, this is an even more serious condition. Teeth that are infected will begin to die. During this process, they may turn dark gray or black. Eventually, the tooth will need to be extracted and removed.

If your child’s tooth is discoloured and they are complaining of tooth sensitivity, pain, or discomfort, this may indicate a large cavity or tooth infection, and you should get help right away.

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