Why good oral hygiene is key

Good oral hygiene is not as hard as people may think. Caring for your teeth is not just a matter of choosing toothpaste to use but rather constant life behaviour check.

Here, we shall talk about the various ways to keep that flawless smile and what behaviours one can adopt for good oral hygiene.

Most importantly as we all know, one has to brush and floss teeth regularly. This is vital for tooth and gum health. Proper brushing entails:

● Making sure that you are always using a soft bristled toothbrush. This is because too much pressure or overzealous brushing can damage the gums, causing recession or attrition of the enamel.

● Use fluoride rich anti-cavity toothpaste. Some toothpastes will bear logos that show they have been tested to ensure they meet the requirements for fluoride availability. Fluoride helps strengthen the teeth’s enamel, making it more resistant to acid produced by bacteria as it breaks down sugars.

● Brush in a circular motion holding the brush at a 45 degree angle to the gum. All tooth surfaces must be well brushed and each tooth must be brushed.

● Brush for a minimum of two minutes and twice daily.

● Reduce you carb intake. Bacteria on the teeth will feed on the sugar from carbs and cause further damage. Reducing carbs will take food surfaces away from the bacteria.

● Go for routine dental cleaning of your teeth and gums. Visit the dentist at least every six months, which helps them identify and treat any possible decay it becomes severe. Also, beware of fruits with a high acid content as they can also damage teeth.

Dr Mulondo Besweri Lusse is a dentist at Pristine Dental Surgery