New Year home maintenance checklist

Have your roof inspected by an experienced and professional roofer at least once a year. PHOTO | COURTESY |

What you need to know:

  • Although most of the maintenance work can be done by the homeowner, it is best to hire an expert once a year to give their professional guidance.

Just as having a general checkup enables you to keep your body in good health, knowing the condition of your home as well is a critical element of its regular care and maintenance.

Whether you are a landlord, tenant or property manager, the beginning of the year is a perfect time to assess the state of your home. A home maintenance checklist helps allocate tasks for cleaning, identify what requires repairing and what should be improved for benefit of the property’s occupants. 

Ivan Mukiibi, a roofer says a good roof should take about 30 years before it starts showing signs of wear and tear. He however recommends regular inspection so that damages are caught and treated early in order to extent a roof’s lifespan.

It is important to have your roof inspected by an experienced and professional roofer at least once a year. 

“Make sure that your roofer inspects every corner and looks for indications of any animal activities, damaged or missing shingles, algae, moss or fungus growth while keeping an eye on leaks in the roof. The roof membrane, should be particularly examined, especially if it only has a single layer of protection which makes it more vulnerable to punctures, crack, fastener back-out and more,” Mukibi says.

Water tanks and heaters

Regularly inspecting water tanks and heaters can help prevent malfunction, breakdowns and altogether costly repairs.

Richard Buwanga, a plumber recommends routine flushing as a way to remove any mineral build-up and other debris that can damage the water tank. Additionally, flushing prevents water contamination that can lead to health risks such as malaria and typhoid, among others.

“There are times when you should not wait for the new year to flash your tank. For instance when your water has an unpleasant odour, you hear loud noises inside the tank or the tank releases rust coloured water,” Buwanga says. 


Gutters help divert water away from the base of house, to ultimately prevent damaging your foundation or causing flooding. However, gutters are also susceptible to collecting dirt and debris which affects their performance.

To ensure they are in peak condition, carry out routine inspection and maintenance. Gutters can be cleaned using a high pressure water hose or manually removing debris such as leaves or soil. 

While cleaning can be done by any homeowner, you need to call in a professional once you spot cracks, holes and or broken gutter lines.  


The beginning of the year is always a hot season and natural plants tend to dry up. This is the time to check the condition of individual plants and respond accordingly. For instance, consider watering, fertilisers and pruning plants to enable your garden thrive. 

Precious Mazzi, a resident of Maganjo and an avid gardener, notes that usually, plants tend to shed off leaves during the first months of the year due to the increase in heat, and this makes it the right time to trim over grown trees and shrubs. 


Buwanga notes that drainage maintenance requires careful coordination and attention to detail because it is one of the most important components of the plumbing system.

Without proper maintenance, the pipes drain, and other system components can become clogged or damaged, resulting in problems such as cracks, unpleasant odours and blockages among others.

Proper drainage maintenance prevents water damage and erosion by controlling water flow, reducing the risk of flooding and the formation of stagnant water, which can attract pests and pose health risks. 

Additionally, drainage maintenance preserves infrastructure by preventing water-related damage to buildings and water sources. Although most of the maintenance work can be done by the homeowner, it is best to hire a plumber once a year to give their professional guidance.


Decluttering is essential to creating a healthy and safe home environment. Getting rid of excess items enables one to organise their space better, creating a more visually pleasing environment.

In addition, decluttering can also have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. While decluttering has many benefits, doing it can be a daunting task. To make it less daunting, start by setting aside a dedicated time daily to declutter can make a huge difference. 

Schedule a few minutes every weekend to tackle a specific room, this will in time help you make significant progress. We tend to get attached to things even when we know we will never be able to use them again, this therefore requires some form of ruthless when choosing which belongings to get rid of.

Ask yourself, «Do I really need this?»  Or «When was the last time I used this?» If you have not used something in the past year, get rid of it, because you clear do not need.  Be willing to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

When scheduling your decluttering time, choose a time that works best for you. Some people prefer to declutter in the morning, while others prefer to do it in the evening.