Plants to keep your bathroom fresh day-long
What you need to know:
Lilian Kariuki, an indoor plants specialist, says bathrooms are great for certain plants to thrive in, thanks to their warm and humid atmosphere
Bathroom plants are now considered essential accessories. Not only do they purify the air, but they also make for good company during the stay. Putting plants in your bathroom is an excellent way to dress up the space. Lilian Kariuki, an indoor plants specialist, says bathrooms are great for certain plants to thrive in, thanks to their warm and humid atmosphere. From aloe vera to fern, there are plenty of bathroom plants that will elevate your space and keep it bright. “With just a few additions, your bathroom can be transformed into a rainforest-inspired haven of calm, with your houseplants working hard to keep your bathroom steam and bacteria-free,” says Kariuki.
Factors to consider before picking a bathroom plant
With the shower and sink running several times per day, the humidity in bathrooms is high. Kariuki notes that you would probably get disappointed if you tried to grow a cactus next to your bathtub. Luckily, there are lots of houseplants that thrive in moist conditions.
“Lack of humidity is actually a problem for a lot of houseplants, one that can be solved by growing them in the bathroom,” she says.
Another less sure but very common factor is light. Many bathrooms have small or even nonexistent windows. If your bathroom is one of these, you will want to select plants that can thrive in low light.
Also, make sure that your bathroom fixtures use fluorescent light bulbs, as these produce the wavelengths of light that plants need from the sun. Here are some very popular bathroom houseplants that will make you want to have more bathrooms in your house.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has been used to treat health and skin conditions for decades. It will thrive well on a bathroom shelf as it does not need much water. One important thing in the care of aloe vera houseplants is that they need bright and proper light. Similar to the spider plant, aloe vera produces ‘shoots’ which can be trimmed and propagated in the soil to create brand-new plants.
Phalaenopsis orchids
These are some of the most commonly grown houseplants. Provided they have proper growing conditions; it is not difficult to learn how to take care of orchid plants. Once you learn how to grow them, it’s a done deal. Orchids require little care once all their basic needs are met such as light, temperature, and humidity. Aside from being a bathroom plant, orchids make excellent accent plantings to nearly any home décor.
Snake plant
This brilliant bathroom plant; also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, thrives in high humidity, but can also tolerate low humidity. The long, vertical leaves are known to help filter toxins out of the air, and thanks to the steam from long, hot showers, it will not need watering as much.
“If you are working with a small bathroom a snake plant is a great choice as the leaves grow up, rather than out so it won’t take up too much floor space. Be sure to dust the leaves on a regular basis so they can still soak up the light and moisture that your bathroom brings,” explains Kariuki.
Spider plant
The propagating spider plant is one of the most popular houseplants thanks to its air-purifying qualities, arching leaves, and quick-growing ability.
While these are ideal for all around the home, they are excellent plants to consider in the bathroom. The spider plant is one of the most popular houseplants thanks to its air-purifying qualities, arching leaves, and quick-growing ability. “Once they reach maturity, these clumpy, grassy plants will start to grow offshoots, which can be trimmed and propagated to create even more spider plants.”
Pothos plants are able to absorb water easily, which makes them ideal for a bathroom. These lush green trailing plants are also known as the Devil’s Ivy because it is almost impossible to kill, and it stays green even when kept in the dark. It thrives best in direct light and looks great placed on a shelf.
It will thrive in normal room humidity but prefers humid conditions if possible. It performs well between 18 to 30 degrees Celcius, and it is best not to let it go below 15 degrees Celcius. Despite their numerous benefits, monstera plants are probably most prized for their beauty and ornamental use.
Due to their ability to adapt to various lighting and water conditions which makes them thrive indoors very well, the philodendrons make such good indoor plants. The plants have large, green, dark leaves which allow them to absorb even the tiniest traces of light and water.
You do not need a bright light in your house to grow ferns. Varieties like maidenhair and asparagus can grow well in low-light conditions. Keep the soil moist. Ferns are water-loving plants, which means that they do best in soil that is evenly and consistently moist. Some can even be grown right in a shower stall where they are regularly.
Chinese Evergreen
Also known as aglaonema, it is a highly decorative plant with several interesting varieties. It is one of the most popular houseplants and the colour variations range from dark green to silver, and some with hints of red that will no doubt add ambience to your bathroom.
Peace Lily
The Peace Lily is native to tropical rainforests; making it an excellent plant to have growing in your bathroom. It also looks gorgeous. With deep, glossy green leaves and bright white flowers, it loves moisture and prefers to be kept in low-light locations.