Reasons why you need trees in your compound

Trees control wind speed in your compound. PHOTO/ cOURTESY

What you need to know:

Some home owners like trees because they have several advantages especially in protecting the environment. However, when it comes to compounds, you need to know the type of tress you should plant

It is essential to understand advantages of trees in a home, Mr Michael Kibuuka says. 

According to Mr Kibuuka, a compound designer, trees do not ony protect homes, they also provide food for animals and produce clean oxygen.

Improving the overall quality of living

Mr Kibuuka says trees are key components of the well- being of your home, community and environment.

“Trees provide protection from storms, increase privacy and improve the air in which we breathe, these are some of the representation of the positive impact that trees have on human life, and the benefits they provide are truly incomparable when it comes to improving our quality of life,” he says

Mr Kibuuka adds that  with weather conditions worsening and climate change risks increasing, the more natural protection you can provide for your home by planting trees the safer you will be and your home.

“Trees are a major absorber of carbon dioxide, which is turned into oxygen during the photosynthesis process. This significantly improves the air quality around your home and in your community and is especially important in bigger cities with higher pollution,” he says.

Mr Kibuuka adds that the air which we breathe is a huge factor in our overall health, and having trees throughout your yard can guarantee high-quality air around your home at all times. It’s estimated that one mature tree, depending on its type, can annually release enough oxygen for a family of four.

Protecting your home from soil erosion

Mr Kibuuka says if your yard lacks a decent amount of trees, you may find rainwater running across your property after a storm, which can lead to flooding, pest issues and soil erosion.

“A properly-maintained grass can provide some protection from erosion, but little when compared to a tree. Depending on size and species, a single tree may store 100 gallons of water until it reaches its saturation point after one to two inches of rainfall,” he says

He says that trees control the speed of the running water especially if you live along slopes,” he says    

Increasing privacy

If you’re looking to add privacy to your property, trees can be a great solution to ensure maximum privacy and protection.

Privacy trees such as evergreens make wonderful additions to your yard and can offer year-round coverage to areas like your bedroom and bathroom windows to guarantee privacy from neighbors and strangers, and even block out noise.

Controls wind speed

Mr Kibuuka says that trees helps to control wind speed in your compound and around your home, it also minimizes damages that   can be caused by wind.

“For the utmost protection a mix of deciduous trees and evergreens tend to be the best species for windbreaks—and they should be planted on the sheltered side of your home where wind blows from,” he says

Mr Kibuuka says that trees protect your soil from wind erosion which is the drying of the soil caused by wind, during heavy rains trees also protects the house from being damaged by storm.