The day I felt marriage was not worth it

Author: Andrew Kyamagero. PHOTO/COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Falling in love is the easy part, a beautiful accident of fate that sweeps you off your feet, full of passion, excitement, and the promise of eternal companionship.

“The day I felt this marriage was not worth it,” marks the beginning of a journey I never expected to embark on—a journey that tested the very foundations of my love and commitment. It was a moment of profound doubt, a crossroads that every couple dreads yet many encounter. It’s a stark revelation that falling in love and staying in love are worlds apart, an uncomfortable truth that many of us face yet few are prepared for.

Falling in love is the easy part, a beautiful accident of fate that sweeps you off your feet, full of passion, excitement, and the promise of eternal companionship. I remember the first glance, the first conversation, and how effortlessly everything fell in place, as if the universe itself was rooting for us. The narrative we are sold of love leading to marriage, followed by children and bliss, seemed within reach. Yet, when the celebrations faded and the routine of life set in. I found myself staring into the mirror, grappling with a reality I was not prepared for.

The realisation hit hard—staying in love is a conscious decision, a commitment that requires more than just feelings. It’s a journey fraught with challenges, where the connection is the first casualty, slowly eroded by the mundaneness of life, the evolution of self, and the insidious creep of selfishness. The vibrant connection that once seemed unbreakable begins to fade, leaving a void where commitment once thrived.

Yet, amidst this bleakness, a revelation dawned on me. What if the key to enduring love was not about recapturing the fleeting excitement of the early days, but about choosing to love, every single day? It was a lesson not imparted by society, which glorifies falling in love but seldom speaks of the work required to stay in love.

Choosing to love is an act of defiance against the fading of passion. It is about embracing kindness, empathy, and effort. It is about choosing to remain connected, to work through the challenges, and to forge a deeper, more meaningful bond. It’s a decision to see, to listen, and to love your partner, even when the distance feels insurmountable.

This journey from doubt to devotion was not easy. It was a path marked by introspection, struggle, and a steadfast commitment to grow together. It taught me that love is not just a feeling but a choice—a choice to support, to cherish, and to embark on the journey of life as true partners.

To those who find themselves questioning the worth of their marriage, know this: the journey of staying in love is the most profound commitment you can make. It is a choice that demands effort, understanding, and an unwavering dedication to each other. It is about choosing to love your partner anew each day, to navigate life’s trials together, and to build a love that endures the test of time.

Falling in love is fate, but staying in love is a choice—a choice to build something lasting, something that transcends the initial flames of passion. It is a testament to the power of commitment, the beauty of mutual growth, and the enduring strength of love. Choose love, choose your partner, and choose to face the world together. It is a decision you will never regret, for in the end, the true essence of love is found not in the easy moments, but in the choice to stay and fight for it, every single day.

The writer is team lead, ManCaveUG