The fasting for the Baha’i started too

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Writer: Nafha Maani Ebrahimi. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  • There will be millions of people abstaining from food, drink and other earthly desires, while focusing their energies towards strengthening their spiritual powers, searching for means to help others, looking out for the needy and extending a helping hand to the poor.

At beginning of this month (March), the followers of the Baha’i Faith, started 19 days of fasting, followed by celebrations of the start of a new Baha’i year. It is interesting that this year, Muslims will also start fasting around mid March and the Christian Lent is also observed around the same time. As the months and dates for Muslim’s fasting month, also known as, Ramadan changes every year, it is interesting when it coincides with other religious denominations, can you imagine the divine powers released during this time?

There will be millions of people abstaining from food, drink and other earthly desires, while focusing their energies towards strengthening their spiritual powers, searching for means to help others, looking out for the needy and extending a helping hand to the poor. Above all, there will be millions of hands raised to the sky asking for blessings and endless bounties. In the Baha’i Faith, dawn prayers are the most recommended, this is a time when most people are fast asleep. While some cast away their sleep to engage in a loving conversation with their Creator just like those birds who wake up early for the sake of the fragrance of the flowers, they will inhale. 

In recent times, there is no forum where people are not talking about intermittent fasting and its benefits. While before it seemed very strange for some people how we could go on without eating for a long period of time, recent healthcare advisors are encouraging people to abstain from eating for long periods of time. This can reach up to 16 hours. It seems that finally, at least one of the most ancient religious laws, has now been adopted by many people among whom some who do not believe in religion. 

Scientists are proving that this long abstinence given to the digestive organs, helps it to rest and recover. Somehow we do not want to admit that each one of the laws of God  have a direct benefit on us, we just want to question and argue because we do not want to live in a framework. However, when our comprehension increases and science steps in to help enlighten us, things become clearer. This is far from prejudice and harsh judgments we understand why we were given those teachings. This is also one of the fundamental teachings of the Baha’i Faith, harmony between science and religion because religion without science degenerates into superstition, and science without religion leads towards pure materialism. 

Alongside harmony is moderation, have you heard of some Indian priests who go on fasting for days?  And when breaking the fast, it is with a few nuts, I have always wondered what is achieved practicing such harsh restrictions, I think to discipline our bodies by abstaining for half a day is already an achievement.
Fasting when performed in a spirit of absolute detachment, will translate into deeds that helps others too.