21-year-old Nebbi woman electrocuted while mopping shop  

Prossy Anirwoth, 21, who was electrocuted at her workplace in Nebbi town on May 21, 2024. PHOTO/ COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Ms Anewa noted that the incident should have been avoided if the management detected the uninsulated wire in the room which accommodates mostly the metal tables and chairs.  

A 21-year-old woman was electrocuted on Tuesday at Eli-park event management store where she had reported for work.
Eyewitnesses said Ms Prossy Anirwoth, a resident of Nebbi town was electrocuted while mopping the shop where she did not realise there was uninsulated wire. She was a former student of Aluka Secondary School in Zombo District where she completed her senior four in 2023.
She had been working to raise school fees for the next level of her education.  
Mr Christopher Awachango, one of the first responders to the scene said Anirwoth was shocked when she touched uninsulated wires connected to the metallic tent stand.
“She had developed good relations with people and many will miss her,” Mr Awachango said. 
The landlady, Ms Jean Anewa said Anirwoth reported for her duty at the Event’s management store but shortly after she heard an alarm from the shop attracting a crowd.
Ms Anewa noted that the incident should have been avoided if the management detected the uninsulated wire in the room which accommodates mostly the metal tables and chairs.  
“My house was properly wired by qualified and professional electricians but the management decided to tap power from the neighbor. I cautioned them several times to avoid risks of electric shocks but they never listened,” she said.
Nebbi RDC Robert Abak attributed the death to negligence. 
 “There is a problem of cheap labor and poor quality wiring materials which are being used causing people to incur losses. This calls for community sensitization on electricity power usage,” Mr Abak said.  
 Anirwoth’s employer, Mr Innocent Rwothomio described her as one of the hardworking people in his company and had planned to start training in making wedding cakes.