7 family members feared dead as landslides bury Bulambuli home

People at the scene where landslides partially buried a house in Bumasugu Village in Buluganya Sub County, Bulambuli District on May 25, 2023. PHOTO/FRED WAMBEDE

At least seven family members are feared dead after landslides buried a home in Bumasugu Village, Buluganya Sub County in the eastern Uganda district of Bulambuli on Thursday.

Bulambuli Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Stanley Bayole confirmed the incident saying the family’s house was covered by the landslide.

“We are getting a grader to excavate and ascertain the exact death toll but the information we have indicates that there were seven family members in the house at the time it was buried,” he told Monitor.

Bulambuli District vice chairperson Mark Barasa disclosed that one body had already been discovered by locals shortly after the rain decreased.

“One person is confirmed dead but inside the house, there was a mother and her children. We are waiting for the grader,” he added.

The evening landslide, which was triggered by downpour, also devastated crops and livestock.

According to Barasa, local authorities have  have on numerous occasions asked the government to consider relocating people living in high-risk areas in the district but the officials have been paying deaf ears to their calls.

“We have families that are living in landslide prone areas that need to be relocated to safer areas especially in this rainy season,” he urged.

Area resident James Nabende said over ten displaced people have started seeking shelter at the nearby Masugu Primary School.

“The people that neighbour the buried house have also moved away from their homes in fear and are now at the school,” he said.

Nabende said "they knew they were headed for trouble because the rains lasted over 8 hours without ceasing."


On May 8, President Museveni directed all people in flood prone areas to vacate and resettle at least 50 metres away from the riverbanks, 200 metres from lake shores- and no building should be constructed on hills with a gradient greater than 30 degrees.