9,000 students to sit S4 under old curriculum 

Trinity College Nabbingo Uganda Certificate of Education candidates sit 2023 exams. Photo/File

What you need to know:

  • Starting next year, Uneb will only conduct UCE exams under the new curriculum. Students who miss this year’s opportunity will be required to restart from Senior One or give up.

At least 9,120 students across the country have registered to sit for the final batch of the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) exams under the old curriculum, which will be phased out this year.

The Uganda National Examination Board (Uneb) will conduct two sets of UCE examinations this year; one based on the old curriculum and the other on the new Lower Secondary Curriculum.

This dual examination approach accommodates students who failed the 2023 exams, those seeking to improve their grades and those who did not register for the 2023 exams.

Starting next year, Uneb will only conduct UCE exams under the new curriculum. Students who miss this year’s opportunity will be required to restart from Senior One or give up.

“This is the last time Uneb will conduct UCE examinations under the old curriculum. We encourage all those interested and qualified for this examination to please use this opportunity and register,” Ms Jenipher Kalule, the Uneb spokesperson, said yesterday.

“It is a one-off opportunity and Uneb will not conduct UCE exams under the old curriculum next year,” she added.

As of the May 31 registration deadline, nearly 1.2 million learners had registered for all sets of the 2024 examinations. 

According to a statement issued by the Executive Director of Uneb, Mr Daniel Odongo, dated May 31, a total of 1,172,114 candidates had registered for the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE), and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE).

Out of the total registered candidates, 754,076 have registered for PLE, 303,951 have registered for UCE under the new curriculum, and 114,078 registered for UACE. 

This means the number of candidates at PLE and UACE exceeds those who registered for similar examinations last year. A total of 749,347 registered for PLE last year while 110,000 registered for UACE examinations in the same year.

However, the number of candidates who have registered for UCE under the new curriculum this year is less than their counterparts who sat for similar sets of examinations last year. According to Uneb, 364,459 candidates registered for UCE examinations last year.

Uneb set May 31 as the end of the normal registration period for the 2024 examinations for all sets of exams that are to be undertaken at the end of the year.

Mr Odongo noted that as of the May 31 deadline, 95.2 percent of PLE centers had registered their candidates, 83 percent of UCE centers had registered, and 70 percent of UACE examination centers had registered their candidates. 

The registration fee under the normal registration window was Shs34,000 for PLE, Shs164,000 for UCE, and Shs186,000 for UACE. 

However, Uneb has given a chance to candidates who missed the May 31 deadline to register during the late registration period, albeit with a surcharge.

Heads of Uneb centres have been cautioned to exercise utmost care while loading the bio-data of candidates on the portal.

“The Board would like to advise those responsible for uploading the candidates’ bio-data to carefully verify the accuracy of the data submitted by the candidates before uploading. You are advised to look out for spelling and order of names, date of birth, gender, and institution,” Mr Odongo said.