Clerics ask Chief Justice to punish corrupt officials

Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo (left) after meeting the clergy at the Supreme Court in Kololo, Kampala on November 9, 2020. 2nd left to right: Principal Judge Flavian Zeija, Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Mr Joshua Kitakule, the secretary general Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, and the Supreme Mufti Sheikh Ramathan Mubajje. PHOTO/STEPHEN OTAGE

What you need to know:

  • The Chief Justice asked clerics to engage and reconcile warring political candidates, saying their role is critical.
  • Justice Owiny-Dollo noted that candidates must present what they will do for people and let them decide through the ballot.
  • But Sheikh Mubajje said their efforts to have a successful political dialogue has always been frustrated by some members of the Opposition who only want to dialogue about the transition of power.

Religious leaders from the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) yesterday asked the Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo to save them from some judicial officers whom they accuse of frustrating land cases.
The clerics also said such misconduct does not only stall church operations but also paints a bad picture on the country’s jurisprudence.

The religious leaders were led by the Mufti of Uganda, who is also chairperson of IRCU, Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubajje, while the Judiciary was represented by Chief Justice Owiny-Dollo and Principal Judge Flavian Zeija.

Sheikh Mubajje revealed that there is a certain magistrate, who asked for a bribe through a court clerk before giving a ruling in a land dispute, where he was involved.
However, when Sheikh Mubajje told the magistrate that he would only ‘pay the bribe’ after consulting his lawyers, the magistrate ruled against the mufti. 
He asked the Chief Justice to investigate such bad elements and punish them accordingly. 

“There is gross misconduct by court officials exhibited through soliciting and receipt of gratification as a prerequisite for granting of bail. This money is often demanded by court clerks, who claim to be acting on behalf of Judicial Officers. Furthermore, some demand that bail money is paid in cash, and it is never refunded at the end of the trial,” Sheikh Mubajje said.

Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese Cyprian Kizito Lwanga said there are about 60 cases in his area of jurisdiction which have dragged as a result of corrupt officials.
“There is conspiracy and connivance among court officials and police and this had led to massive grabbing of church land. Can we compile these cases and bring them to you for help, your Lordship?” Dr Lwanga asked.

The President of Uganda Union of the Seventh day Adventist Church, Mr Daniel Matte, said land grabbing will affect church operations if the Judiciary does not take stringent action against corrupt officials.
While responding to the clerics’ concerns, the Justice Owiny-Dollo said whereas there are bribery claims, complainants do not present concrete evidence and this frustrates investigations.

“Come to us with evidence and we will investigate and take action because justice can never be bought. In case you have such cases please bring them to us and we will thoroughly investigate,” he said.
He also implored the clerics to title all church land and pledged to support them at any stage until they get land titles to save it from land grabbers.

Although the clerics asked the Judiciary to make findings of past Commissions of Inquiry public, Justice Zeija said it is the mandate of the President to implement the findings of any Commission of Inquiry.
He said the Judiciary only comes in when a Commission of Inquiry is challenged in Courts of law.