FDC unveils roadmap to elect top leadership

FDC party president Patrick Oboi Amuriat (right) and the Secretary General, Mr Nathan Nandala Mafabi (2nd right), during a press conference at the party headquarters in Najjanankumbi, Kampala, on July 19, 2023. PHOTO | MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI. 

What you need to know:

  • The party is set to fill 34 positions of the NEC members, including the party president and his four deputies.

The Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party has unveiled a roadmap for its forthcoming elections of National Executive Committee (NEC) members.

Addressing journalists at their office in Najjanankumbi yesterday, the party’s deputy spokesperson, Mr John Kigonyogo, said the picking of forms for all positions kicks off on September 8 and will end on September 12.

The party is set to fill 34 positions of the NEC members, including the party president, four deputy presidents, party national chairperson and other four regional chairpersons, general secretary and general treasurer general.

Other positions are secretary for mobilisation, secretary for information and publicity, secretary for women and youth affairs, secretary for people with disabilities, and legal affairs, among others.

“The nominations for our NEC members are about to start and all positions from the President to the secretary for elders are supposed to me filled by October,” Mr Kigonyongo said.

All candidates who will pick forms, according to the party, are expected to return them from September 13 to 16. This is mandatory for all positions that do not sit in the party’s cabinet.

However, the candidates vying for positions in cabinet (Working committee), including the party president and his four deputies, chairpersons, secretary general, treasurer and their deputies are expected to return their forms between September 17 and 18.

The party is set to elect NEC members during its National Delegates Conference slated to take place on October 6 at the UMA Show Grounds, two days before the expiry of the tenure of current leadership.

The party president, Mr Patrick Amuriat, is eligible for another term, but he has showed no interest to run again.

Amuriat writes to Birigwa for another meeting

Meanwhile, Mr Amuriat has summoned the party chairman, Mr Wasswa Birigwa, for another meeting to harmonise the two contradicting party delegates’ conferences.

The meeting is slated to take place on Wednesday at the party headquarters in Najjanankumbi. 

According to Mr Kigonyogo, Mr Birigwa will be given a chance to explain to the party why he needs to organise a meeting when the party is already organising elections for the national Executive Committee leadership.

He said if Mr Birigwa does not show up, the party will have no option but to proceed with the elections of the national leadership in October.

Mr Birigwa was supposed to meet Amuriat last week, but he did not turn up for the meeting. When contacted yesterday, he said he was meeting his team and would show up for a press conference.

The crisis in the party deepened after the revelation of two upcoming and competing national delegates conferences, one called by Mr Birigwa and the other by the chairperson of the party electoral commission.

While the two conferences have different agendas, both require substantial budgets to accommodate more than 1,700 delegates from various parts of the country. This had left party supporters uncertain about the two competing events.

The agenda for the extraordinary conference called by Mr Biriggwa involves receiving reports from the party chairman, party president, secretary general, and the treasurer general. 

This will be followed by plenary sessions, resolutions, and adjournments.