Freezing support to Uganda renders World Bank useless, says Ruhaama MP

Ruhaama East MP, Mr Benjamin Kamukama commissioning the newly constructed NWSC Office in Kitwe Town council on August 11. PHOTO/ZADOCK AMANYISA

What you need to know:

  • The Ruhaama East Member of Parliament, Mr Benjamin Kamukama Katangura, has said that the decision by the World Bank to freeze approving new loans to Uganda over the anti-gay law renders them a useless group because the move leaves millions of people’s lives in danger.

The Ruhaama East Member of Parliament, Mr Benjamin Kamukama Katangura, has said that the decision by the World Bank to freeze approving new loans to Uganda over the anti-gay law renders them a useless group because the move leaves millions of people’s lives in danger.

While speaking to a congregation that had turned up for the National Water and Sewerage Corporation's (NWSC) new office commissioning and staff thanksgiving ceremony for the Kitwe-Ruhaama area on August 11, the legislator said that service delivery will soon reduce because of the World Bank decision.

"Service delivery is likely to drop backward because the world bank that has been helping us has withdrawn support due to our stand on the anti-homosexuality bill. This makes them useless. You withdraw your support; children start dying after drinking dirty water. Of what use will you (the World Bank) be on Earth? Do you want children to die because we stopped you from making them homosexuals? Won't this leave the World Bank a useless group?" said Mr. Kamukama.

"Let them take their money. Whoever dies will die, but as the government and parliament, there is nothing we shall change on the Anti-homosexuality bill. We shall use the little we have. They can't change our cultural beliefs as Africans," he added.

Mr Karuhanga asked his constituents to brace for tough days of poor service ahead as there will  be little money to finance projects.

"So, if you see service delivery dwindling, you know these people have withheld a lot of money for the projects. We pray to God that they rethink and reverse their decision based on the impact it is going to have on the lives of people," he told the gathering.

Lauding the NWSC management for facilitating construction of a new office building, the MP challenged the water utility institution to work harder to ensure that service delivery reflects the good offices.

The new office building opening ceremony was held along with other activities like the cleaning of Kitwe Town Council as a way of sensitising the public on good health and environmental protection, Kitwe area manager, Mr. Zidon Nkwasibwe, said.

"Having a safe and clean environment for us to live in starts with us. So by cleaning the environment, we are sending a message to the public that no one will come and give us a clean environment," said Mr. Nkwasiibwe.

He told the gathering that the area has registered improved service delivery in areas of response rate (70%), non-revenue water reduction, and collection efficiency (130%). The new building cost NWSC over Shs50 million according to Mr. Nkwasibwe

The World Bank on Monday said it will not be approving new loans to Uganda over the anti-gay law, which they said contradicts the group’s values and vision of eradicating poverty on a livable planet, which can only succeed if it includes everyone irrespective of race, gender, or sexuality.