Nnaabagereka tips pupils on menstrual hygiene

Buganda Kingdom gender minister Cotilda Nakate Kikomeko together with a team from  Nnaabagereka Fund and Shuya Napkins pose for a photo during an event to mark the Menstruation Hygiene Day at Bulange Mengo on May 28, 2024. PHOTO/SHABIBAH NAKIRIGYA

What you need to know:

  • Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed annually on May 28

Buganda Queen (Nnaabagereka) Sylvia Nagginda has urged pupils to stop being shy on issues of menstrual hygiene if they are to normalize them as a natural biological process.

Nnaabagereka through her foundation, Nnabagereka Fund, yesterday announced a Buganda countywide initiative to sensitise pupil’s on key issues concerning menstruation health and hygiene.

Speaking to the media while celebrating world Menstruation Day at Bulange Mengo Buganda Kingdom gender minister Cotilda Nakate, who represented the Nnaabagereka, said sensitising the young generation is the only way of supporting girl child education from the grassroots.

“We firmly believe that every women and girl deserves the right to manage her menstrual health with dignity and respect and this cannot happen unless we sensitise them at early stage,” she said.

Nakatte added that informing pupils about menstrual hygiene aims to break barriers by raising awareness and promoting access to essential menstrual hygiene products, education and support.

“Menstrual issues are not crucial for physical health but also for mental-wellbeing. Poor menstrual hygiene can lead to stress, anxiety, and embarrassment, significantly impacting a woman’s confidence and social interactions,” she said

At the same event, Nnabageraka Fund signed a partnership with Shuya Sanitary Napkins in a bid to distribute free sanitary towels during the sensitisation exercise.

Joy Zizinga, the communication executive of the Nnaabagereka Fund said the collaboration emphasises the critical importance of menstrual hygiene management among children.

“There is need to foster a supportive environment for women and girls during their menstrual cycles. Despite being a natural biological process, menstruation remains shrouded in stigma and taboo in many communities,” she observed.

Daily Bashemera, head of sales at Shuya Napkins said working with Nnaabagereka Fund will help to reach more pupils who are vulnerable in menstrual hygiene issues.

“Addressing these issues is essential to mitigate the mental health challenges that often accompany menstrual stigma and isolation,” she added.

Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed annually on May 28, aims to break the stigma surrounding menstruation and promote good menstrual health and hygiene practices.