Parish chiefs warned over listing relatives, friends among PDM beneficiaries

State Minister for finance (genera duties), Mr Henry Musasizi (R) listens to one of the intended beneficiaries of the PDM whose name was allegedly deleted from the list of beneficiaries in Hamuhambo town council, Rubanda District for unknown reasons. PHOTOs/ ROBERT MUHEREZA

What you need to know:

  • Rubanda District commercial officer, Mr Moses Mukiiza admitted that although there were cases of some intended beneficiaries being deleted from the lists, an audit into the matter had led to recovery of about Shs14 million from wrong beneficiaries, some of whom were allegedly from the neighboring district of Kabale.

Government has directed that people in the new parishes that were not captured under the Parish Development Model (PDM) program be allowed to benefit from their mother parishes until the anomaly is resolved.

“According to the ministry of local government Rubanda district has 70 parishes but at the Ministry of Finance we only have 69 parishes benefiting from the PDM. We have agreed that the people in the new parish of Bunyonyi ward that missed out on PDM funds should benefit from their mother Kagarama parish until the anomaly is resolved. This applies to all the affected parishes in the country,” said the state minister for finance in charge general duties, Mr Henry Musasizi who doubles as the NRM party chairman for Rubanda District and the Member of Parliament for Rubanda East Constituency.

 in the same district while conducting a public hearing on the implementation of the Parish Development Model at Hamuhambo town council in Rubanda on Friday where he also warned the PDM committee members against asking for land a security from the intending beneficiaries.

Mr Musasizi was conducting a public hearing on the implementation of the PDM at Hamuhambo town council in Rubanda on Friday also warned the parish leaders against deleting the names of some PDM beneficiaries from the lists and replacing them with their relatives or friends.

He said the offenders shall be arrested because such acts are not only unlawful but criminal in nature because it defeats the main objective of the programme.

“Do not mix politics with government development programmes such as the PDM. These programmes were rolled out by the government to transform all the people categorized as subsistence households into the money economy,” Mr Musasizi.

He asked Internal Security Organization (ISO) officers at sub counties to identify people he described “wrong characters sabotaging the PDM programme so that they can be handled early enough.”
Rubanda District commercial officer, Mr Moses Mukiiza admitted that although there were cases of some intended beneficiaries being deleted from the lists, an audit into the matter had led to recovery of about Shs14 million from wrong beneficiaries, some of whom were allegedly from the neighboring district of Kabale.

“Lessons learnt during the implementation of the first phase of the PDM shall help us do better in the next phase. We have thoroughly explained the pillars of the PDM and its objectives to the targeted beneficiaries and how to form groups,” Mr Mukiiza said.

This was after some residents accused their parish leaders of deleting their names from the list of beneficiaries because they refused to pay bribes to the PDM enrolling officers.