Teso leaders petition govt over animal breeding centre

What you need to know:

The chairpersons, in their petition, argue that the breeding centre will see their indigenous animal breeds replaced with improved breeds for purposes of more beef and milk production

District chairpersons from Teso have urged the government to establish an animal breeding centre in the sub-region so as to boost production and productivity.

The chairpersons, in their petition, argue that the breeding centre will see their indigenous animal breeds replaced with improved breeds for purposes of more beef and milk production.

The district chairpersons delivered their petition to State minister for Teso Affairs Kenneth Obote Ongalo last Thursday.

Mr Stephen Ochola, the chairperson of Serere District, who also heads the Teso District Chairpersons Association, reasoned that the breeding centre will help farmers access improved breeds of animals that are adaptable to the weather in sub-region.

“These breeds will cater for both the beef and milk industry,” Mr Ochola said.

Mr Victor Rex Ekesu, the Kaberamaido District chairperson, said Teso by origin solely depended on cattle keeping.

He said with the current market price and demand for fattened animals, the breeding centre will help the people of Teso to improve on their livelihoods.

Mr Ekesu said Teso previously had places that were gazetted as holding points for animals, which could offer space for the breeding centre.

Mr Stephen Olebe, the Soroti District speaker, said there is land measuring to about 200 acres in Acuna and 700 acres in Lale for the Ministry of Agriculture, which could be offered for the breeding centre.

Dr Peter Eriaku, who the chairpersons consulted over the project, said it is viable.

“I am just giving you an overview, how you will go about to make your quest succeed lies in your collective effort,” he said.

 He said the government has secured a market for milk in Algeria and other options for beef will most likely be secured in the other Arab countries.

Minister Obote said he will use his docket to enable the chairpersons present their quest to various line ministries. He said the project, if granted, can supplement the citrus industry in Teso.


The National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC & DB) was established by the Animal Breeding Act, 2001, for the production, conservation, and promotion of animal genetic resources in Uganda.