TODAY IN HISTORY: Uganda’s Chief Justice, Benedicto Kiwanuka kidnapped  

Benedicto Kiwanuka

September 21, 1972
The then Chief Justice of Uganda, Benedicto Kiwanuka, was abducted from his chambers at the High Court in Kampala by security personnel.
He was later pronounced dead. In 1988, while appearing before the Commission of Inquiry, Maxencia Zalwango, the widow of the late Kiwanuka, shed some light on the disappearance of the former Chief Justice, saying her husband was upset by the then brutal government and its military leader Idi Amin. 

She went on to reveal to the Commission that about two weeks before the Chief Justice disappeared, she heard him exchanging words with then minister of Foreign Affairs, the late Wanume Kibedi, on telephone. 

She told the Commission that Kibedi was calling Kiwanuka to his home at night, which caused a heated argument. Zalwango also said Kiwanuka had been told by friends to flee for his life but he refused.