Two security guards detained over Shs64m robbery from Sacco office

A police detective at the scene where robbers allegedly stole Shs64 million. PHOTO/ FRED MUZAALE

What you need to know:

  • Police said the robbers accessed the [Sacco] office on Friday night by cutting the front door padlocks, before breaking the counter door and stealing the funds

Police in Lugazi Municipality, Buikwe District are holding three suspects following the robbery of Shs64.2 million from SAO Savings and Credit Sacco located in Nangunga Village, Ngogwe Sub-county. 
Ms Hellen Butoto, the Ssezibwa Region Police Spokesperson, said the suspects in custody include two private security guards who were manning the Sacco office, while the third suspect was arrested after a sniffer dog led detectives to his home. 
Ms Butoto said the robbers accessed the [Sacco] office on Friday night by cutting the front door padlocks, before breaking the counter door and stealing the funds.
“Upon receiving information, the Police dog led detectives to the two security guards' home and later to the third suspect, who had been named as an accomplice by the duo,” Ms Butoto said. 
She added that upon searching the suspects’ premises, Police did not recover any exhibit; however, two missing rifles were found on the steps of the Sacco office with 19 rounds of live ammunition, while a new harmer was in one of the teller’s rooms.