Use holidays to register children for national IDs, NIRA tells parents

The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) offices. Photo | File

What you need to know:

  • According to the NIRA Spokesperson, Mr Osbone Mushabe, even the students who were earlier registered should go to various NIRA offices to receive their national IDs or update their details.

National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) has urged parents to take their children for national identity card registration during this ongoing end-of-year school holiday.

According to the NIRA Spokesperson, Mr Osbone Mushabe, even the students who were earlier registered should go to various NIRA offices to receive their national IDs or update their details.

“All students who registered for national IDs in the last holidays must use this time to check for their particulars and those whose IDs are already printed should come and pick them up,” Mr Mushabe said during a Monday press briefing at Naguru Police headquarters.

“For the students who registered with NIRA and were below 16 years old, this is the time to come and do an update on your details. Come with your National Identification Number (NIN) to enable us to give you an update on the progress of your ID,” he added.

In a related development, NIRA has organized a mass national ID registration for children on Sunday, December 10, 2023, at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala.

“If you have children who are below 13 years, please bring them for registration during this mass registration festival,” Mr Mushabe said.

He explained that to register a child for national IDs, NIRA needs a photocopy of the parents’ Identity cards or that of a blood relative or a guardian for the children whose parents are deceased.

“For children who are below nine months, parents don’t need to come with them. The authority shall be able to register them as long as the parents can provide the correct details and a copy of national IDs,” he said.

Children below the age of 16 are registered and issued with NIN while those at 16 years and above are issued with national identity cards.

With a NIN, children can access government services like education and other services like SIM card registration, banking services and passport processing, among others.