On vicious internal war raging in NRM

The recently held NRM primary elections have exposed the mess and decay in the self-styled mass political party of Uganda which is literally at war. Party members are tearing each other apart without mercy. For journalists and election observers, it has been a field day covering the bloody, tragic and ugly events unfolding daily in NRM during the last few weeks.
For keen observers of Uganda’s political landscape, what is happening in NRM does not come as a surprise. It was only a matter of time that a political organisation which is the product of blatant lies, greed, corruption and violence was bound to erupt into a vicious, primitive and uncivilised war in which political competitors, especially those who are relatively new, are accused and treated, without any evidence, as enemies and supporters of Uganda’s Opposition parties! New party candidates are accused unfairly of being suspects out to undermine NRM from within.
The primary elections held in Koboko Municipality was a classic example, like those in Mawogola, Lwemiyaga and Sembabule, of how the elections brought out the worst, especially of incumbent MPs whose actions and behaviour is difficult to describe.
How low can a political party sink into an abyss of moral decadence? Why is NRM openly tearing itself apart in broad daylight?
According to Sunday Monitor of September 13, in reply to the question, “What can be done to curb commercialisation of politics?” Bishop Zac Niringiye answered boldly and correctly that “It is not possible to de-commercialise politics under NRM and President Museveni because violence, guns and money are the DNA of the regime.”
I concur with the respected retired Bishop of the Church of Uganda. What Bishop Zac said is a summary of the bitter and   unpleasant truth about the corrupt, decadent and shameless NRM regime which has been imposed on Ugandans for more than 30 years by the gun; the regime is sustained by bribery, intimidation, impunity and violence.
The violence which the regime has unleashed for many years, especially during election periods, on Opposition politicians and on Ugandans who do not belong to NRM, is finally tearing the mass party asunder. As the Scripture teaches, a man will reap exactly what he sows!
I tell you, God is watching and those who have oppressed, tortured and violated human rights and fundamental freedoms of Ugandans for many years will sooner or later face judgment and the wrath of God.
As a political scientist and a patriot, what is happening in NRM does not please me because political parties are building blocks of democracy which is one of the pillars of NRM’s dubious ideology.
Actions which weaken political parties undermine our collective efforts to build democracy in Uganda and Africa.
Many years ago when NRA grabbed power by the barrel of the gun, democracy was point number one of their “10-Point Programme.” One wonders whether NRM is still committed to democracy.
In July 1986, at his first address to the OAU Summit, Sabalwanyi argued correctly that Africa’s problem was leaders who overstay in power. Little did we know that he was making a self-fulfilling prophecy which has come to pass!
As one who claims to be a patriot and a pan-Africanist, I challenge him to practise what he preached to African leaders in Addis Ababa in 1986. With all due respect, Sabalwanyi is now a liability not only to NRM, but to Uganda.
Ugandans deserve better!

Mr Acemah is a political scientist and retired career diplomat.
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