Fight corruption within and without
What you need to know:
- The issue: Corruption
- Our view: Live and lead with integrity in your circle of influence. This might not solve the problem of corrupt public officers or the obscene wanton expenditure of taxpayers’ money, but slowly every small change can gain momentum and cause a ripple effect. Remember, it always starts with you.
The just concluded Easter weekend has left many ears ringing with a number of noble call-to-action messages from the clergy and other society leaders especially on the subject of corruption.
In Tororo District, the bishop of Bukedi Diocese Samuel George Bogere Egesa said the government needs to empower its systems to fight corruption before it’s too late. While delivering his sermon at St Peter’s cathedral Tororo, he said that treating corruption with kid gloves motivates other people to steal.
The Bishop of Mbale Diocese John Nandaah in his sermon at St Andrew’s Church Mbale City said although Uganda is endowed, it is not developing at the expected pace because of corruption. He called upon people to understand that when they are given responsibility it is for service delivery not self-enrichment.
In Fort portal, Bishop Robert Muhiirwa of Fort portal Catholic Diocese asked those who are serving in different offices to serve other people with justice and resist all forms of corruption.
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese, Francis Aquirinus Kibira cautioned Christians against wasteful expenditure.
The list of sermons and clergy who sounded the call against corruption this weekend goes on and on. From all corners of the country in different sanctuaries, the message against corruption was preached.
And it hopefully fell on fertile ground with these emotive sermons moving many in the congregation. Unfortunately, even the most strongly worded message wears off with time especially if it is not followed up by action. Cries against corruption have been made not just in church or mosques but other platforms as well in vain.
Many still believe such messages should be given only to the rich and to leaders, after all, they are the ones who have resources at their disposal which is true, but not quite.
The message against corruption should be to everyone one of us at our different levels of influence. People don’t become corrupt when they rise in society, the vice is only magnified. So yes, this message is for us all.
After all, our leaders, even the corrupt ones, come from among us. So as the Easter season retreats to be celebrated again next year, let the sermons preached stay with us and the seed sown, sprout with visible fruit in our day-to-day life.
Live and lead with integrity in your circle of influence, this might not solve the problem of corrupt public officers or the obscene wanton expenditure of taxpayers’ money, but slowly every small change can gain momentum and cause a ripple effect. Remember, it always starts with you.