Don’t forget that last-minute word with your child before they return to school

What you need to know:

I always remember my parents’ words every time at different stages in life. Their words ring so well in my ears as if it were yesterday. They still mean a lo

Our children are going back to school. A lot could have taken place and they have enjoyed their school holiday at home. I am sure some of you parents have had conversations with your children; you had a date with possibly each one of them and discussed a lot.

I always remember my parents’ words every time at different stages in life. Their words ring so well in my ears as if it were yesterday. They still mean a lot.

Truthfully, those words those days were boring, repetitive, annoying, and made no sense at the time. Imagine, every time your parents are giving you part of the school fees with no pocket money and this would be the statement “This is the only money I have now, take it. If you eat it, you know you are eating your future.” It is then at school when they would send you back for the rest of the fees that those words would ring in your mind. If I eat any single coin of my school fees, my future is in ruins. That made us avoid taking any risk of misusing school fees.

What a powerful reminder! Those last-minute words before back-to-school can truly shape a child’s mindset and approach to their education. It’s incredible how the seemingly repetitive and boring advice from parents can actually stick with us and influence our decisions throughout life.

Talk about the common vices that usually distract them and their impact on their education career and how one mistake can cost them their whole life. When sharing, feel free to bring in your own past mistakes and how they influenced you.

Some parents feel like sharing their past mistakes or deeds with their children is bad. No! Let our children also know that we were not angels and we also errored but we were wise enough to correct our mistakes and remain focused. Share those moments that almost cost you your studies. It not only shows vulnerability but also demonstrates that making mistakes is a part of life.

If you were chased out of school for any reason and you feel it can bring sense to your child, why not share it? There is power in our testimony. The Bible says “They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimonies…” (Revelations 12:11).

Please as you correct or counsel your child, never use negative words for emphasis. There is power in your tongue for it possesses death and life (Proverbs 18:21). Never despise its strength. It goes like fire which can set a whole forest ablaze. Therefore, be kind and use words that can nurture and cherish your child. Don’t talk to him/her as if you are condemning them. Words like “…after all I am paying your school fees but I doubt you will make it” portray how you already have a vote of no confidence in this child.

Choose to offer encouragement even when you are aware of their weaknesses. Provide room for their strengths to flourish and let them know that you are there for them no matter what. Whatever the circumstances around your child, send them off with a little extra boost of confidence and love.

You can actually ask every family member to give a word to each other and comment on both their weaknesses and strengths and offer a word of encouragement. These people’s expression of one another is also a great family support system that you should never underrate. After all, they understand each other better than you may understand them because they talk and share a lot.

After you have finished your talk, never leave without offering a word of prayer. A prayer can move mountains. Always commit their life journey before their creator and cover them with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dickson Tumuramye, Executive Director of Hope Regeneration Africa, parenting coach, marriage counselor.