Prom chopper couple did nothing wrong

Elite High school students arrive for prom after disembarking a chopper. PHOTO/FILE  

What you need to know:

  • The economic law of expenditure states that public spending cannot increase faster than medium-term potential GDP growth unless matched by adequate revenues.

In the book titled Animal Farm written by George Orwell, there lies a great depiction of the African traits and characters we portray today. The Elite High School prom famous couple that rocked the event in a helicopter has aroused rivalry and aggression in the public. 

The named couple could be named “big fish” thus no audacity to equate its standard with other peers thus no reason to enjoy equal opportunities as well as the public interests.

The economic law of opportunity cost states that it is the alternative forgone when a choice is made. In other words, every individual has got his or her interests of expenditure thus giving them priority over others. Probably, the couple’s parents have a higher and upper hand interest in spending expensively on their children whom they believe in as a hybrid asset.

We too in a real sense sometimes spend even more than they spent on the hired helicopter depending on our interests. We spend on our business capital, wives, vehicles, condominiums, mansions, alcohol, tour trips and vestments.

In the same vein, we spend huge amounts of money on the grounds of maintaining our societal status, investments, leisure and even worldly recognition. 

The couple’s parents had an interest and zeal for investing in their kids by giving them adequate facilitation for the prom party. The children too had a choice of expensive spending for their leisure and societal recognition.  The African society is portrayed by traits of lamentations, verbatim and belief in African myths that very closely are deceptive thus escalating poverty levels and dwarf mindset among them.

Biblically, according to Matthew 25:14-30, Christ himself reveals such instances using the parable of talents, where three men were given three different talents according to their capacity: one received five talents, the second received two talents and the third received one talent. When you read books (including the Bible as one of the best spiritual and holy books), travel to new good places and even associate with greater and brighter minds in the world, you will discover that the famous parable of talents is a true depiction of the recent famous Elite High School couple that travelled to the event in a helicopter. We ought to borrow knowledge and wisdom to analyse such expenditures.

The world today has turned to be too judgemental, which I may attribute to the coexistence of divergent generations thus conflicting life aspirations and expectations.

Past generations in actual sense hardly had anything like prom party events during their high school times, unlike today where such events have become a norm and an identity of most top high schools. 
This in a real sense has caused a diversionary judgement between Generation Y and Generation X.

Times have changed and we ought to dive positively into these changes too. It is during this time that high school students have dates, girlfriends, and boyfriends thus a need to embrace modernity and receive it positively and guide it thoroughly. On the other hand, some parents have neglected their duties of essential moral parenting and have left it to the educators and the media.

Students in the past generations walked on foot to their respective high schools and students from well-off families would appear on bicycles with their luggage. Today, we have reached a level where students report at school in their own cars and at times with their drivers. It is uncalled for in the present day for our society to heap judgments on the Elite High School students because Uganda has recently escalated its norms of modernity. 

The only challenge is that power and development seem to belong to some small percentage of the citizens. The economic law of expenditure states that public spending cannot increase faster than medium-term potential GDP growth unless matched by adequate revenues.

Expenditure canons include benefit, sanction, economy and surplus. Indeed, the helicopter couple enjoyed their surplus in their economic stature and have earned fame thus a true and practical art of expenditure.

Phillip Mukama Kahigiriza, Founder of Daily Mindset Booster .