Someone, please remind young drivers, they are not immortal

A breakdown truck tows away a taxi that plunged into River Namatala on Mbale-Tirinyi Highway on May 4, 2022. PHOTO/MUDANGHA KOLYANGHA 

What you need to know:

  • Let us all be responsible road users. Your age doesn’t matter, whether young or old, if you drive/ride carelessly, you will die, or kill other road users. Responsible road usage is everyone’s responsibility.

Have you ever seen someone drive at such a terrific speed, and you’re left wondering; does this person really care about his/her life, the lives of other passengers, or other road users.

Some drive so insanely as if they had a virtual conversation with God, who told them they are on earth eternally and can live recklessly as they please.

I have seen a few of those incidents, and I cannot stop to wonder; do such drivers/ motorists appreciate how precious life is, how life can be flushed away instantly ,or how a terrible accident can change someone’s life forever, if they are lucky to survive?

Some of the most careless drivers/motorists I have seen on our roads have something in common; they are young men in their 20s and 30s.

Last year, I was returning home from work with my family, and an impatient young man driving a Subaru almost crashed into us despite putting on the car indicators to veer off the main road.

In shock, but in a chorused manner, we all found ourselves saying; thank you Jesus! In such scenarios where you survive the madness of such callous drivers, one can only think, the guardian angels were at work, at the right time.

On several occasions when someone bypasses us driving recklessly, my people often say; that must be a young person. They are the ones with that kind of rural-urban excitement of arrivalism’.

In most cases, they are right.  And from my own observations, the habit of irresponsible driving is common among young males compared to female drivers. But this is something we can research more about.

What if as a country we conduct a research to ascertain, of these hundreds of thousands of deaths and casualties related to road carnages, how many are young males and females, children, adults, and the elderly.

In the same research, we could also seek to find out the common age-group of drivers, motorists, and pedestrians that die in these road massacres. You will be surprised that it is mostly the younger people. So, this research would help relevant authorities to come up with targeted solutions.

At this rate, we are looking for all possible solutions that can put an end to road accidents in this country.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years. From a young age, males are more likely to be involved in road traffic crashes than females. About three quarters of all road traffic deaths occur among young males under the age of 25 years who are almost three times as likely to be killed in a road traffic crash as young females.

Responsible factors include; speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, driving unsafe vehicles, nonuse of motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints, distracted driving among others.

Speaking of distracted driving.  Recently, a 20-some-thing man driving an Ipsum around Kajjansi junction almost knocked me over while I was on a boda. I immediately looked behind to reprimand him, only to realize he wasn’t looking straight ahead where he was going, but was rather looking in the direction of the co-driver’s seat.

Scared to bits, and still trembling, I didn’t care to see who was seated next to him. Then the boda guy said; “There is a very beautiful girl seated next to him, she has probably distracted him, and he cannot think, and drive properly.

I laughed! Was the situation funny, obviously not! But the boda guy’s words were. How is it even possible that a woman can distract a driver, and he forgets he is on the wheel?

Imagine being knocked because someone was busy admiring another, and lost focus. I have also sat next to taxi drivers, who answer calls, and in the background, you hear a voice of a woman. The driver is so taken up in the conversation, giggling, and forgets he is driving. The things we see in this country!To all passengers, if you’re seated in a vehicle, or on a motorcycle, and the driver or motorist is reckless, speak out, or you will suffer the consequences of your silence.

Sirach 8:15 says; “You should not travel with anyone who is reckless. It will cause you nothing but trouble. He will do any foolish thing he pleases, and you will die with him.

Let us all be responsible road users. Your age doesn’t matter, whether young or old, if you drive/ride carelessly, you will die, or kill other road users. Responsible road usage is everyone’s responsibility.

Vivian Agaba, communications consultant