Nakaayi impresses, Chelangat breaks 5000m NR

Former world champion Nakaayi is working her way to competitive shape. PHOTO/COURTSEY 

What you need to know:

The Ugandan middle-distance runner Nakaayi again improved despite a distant sixth place over the 800m race during the Paris Diamond League (DL) in France at weekend.

Both Halimah Nakaayi’s manager Jurrie van der Velden and coach Tim Rowberry agree she will get it fully right by August when the Budapest World Championships come by in Hungary.

The Ugandan middle-distance runner Nakaayi again improved despite a distant sixth place over the 800m race during the Paris Diamond League (DL) in France at weekend.

On an electric Friday night that yielded three world records at the Stade Sébastien Charléty, Nakaayi fashioned progress again after she ran her best time of the season in one minute and 58.81 seconds.

“I am happy with the steady progress. Step by step, everything will be fine, so I am really grateful for the new season best,” said Nakaayi, the 2019 world champion.

“The season is still long so we’re happy where she is at, at the moment. Experience tells us that peaking now won't necessarily help you to do well late August so progressing through the season step by step is key. And that is what she currently is doing,” said Dutchman Jurrie.

The field went out fast for a targeted time of 1:56.40 over two laps and pacemaker Pole Patrycja Wyciszkiewicz-Zawadzka through 400m in 57.35 seconds. 

After Wyciszkiewicz  dropped off, Great Britain’s Keely Hodgkinson took the lead inside 300m to go and Nakaayi kept following behind but she lost three places to finish sixth in the last 80m.

“I was happy she broke below 1:59 and wasn’t expecting much more than that. In order to keep progressing, she needs more weeks of training, working on her speed, endurance and the finishing speed,” said American Rowberry.

Still in the French capital, Sarah Chelangat lowered her own 5000m national record (NR) during the On Track Nights Fast5000 event in Montesson on Saturday.

Chelangat posted a time of 14 minutes and 50.93 seconds in second place over the 12-and-a-half lap race, thereby beating her previous NR mark of 15:00.61 set four years ago.

“It was a great day with my friends. I am grateful for my personal fastest time,” she later posted on her social media platforms.

Earlier in the evening, Chemusto narrowly missed out on her first career track win in Europe after American Nikki Hiltz beat her to first place over the mile run.

Chemusto, who led after the pacemaker dropped off with about 600m left, posted 4:23.65 but Hiltz had charged through to clock a world lead time of 4:22.07.



1 Keely Hodgkinson (GBR)   1:55.77

2 Wilson Ajee (USA)              1:58.16

3 Natoya Goule (JAM)           1:58.23

4 Catriona Bisset (AUS)         1:58.55

5 Noélie Yarigo (BEN)           1:58.65

6 Halimah Nakaayi (UGA)   1:58.81



1 Nikki Hiltz (USA)               4:22.07

2 Janat Chemusto (UGA)     4:23.65

3 Sintayehu Vissa (ITA)         4:24.35


1 Medina Eisa (ETH)              14:46.60

2 Sarah Chelangat (UGA)    14:50.93

3 Selah Busienei (KEN)          14:52.37

22 Joy Cheptoyek (UGA)     15:29.71

24 Prisca Chesang (UGA)    15:36.67

Belinda Chemutai (UGA)     DNF

MEN’S 5000M

1 Levy Kibet (KEN)               13:04.21

2 Mohamed Ismail (DJI)         13:04.39

3 Rodrigue Kwizera (BDI)     13:04.57

11 Dan Kibet (UGA)             13:18.36

13 Keneth Kiprop (UGA)    13:18.61