Walker, Budge add gist to Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon

Runners pound the road in last year's Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon. PHOTO/COURTSEY 

What you need to know:

Last year’s edition left a lasting impression on the Kasese community as it came with opportunities like employment and tourism that boosted the local economy, fulfilling the UBL virtue of transforming the lives of the people in the spaces they operate. In a nutshell, the marathon helps local businesses thrive.

Last year saw the Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon debut on the local scene with hundreds turning up in Kasese District to take part. It was a massive success for a newbie.

The event returns on September 2 with a star studded line up that will have Rob Walker, a renowned international athletics commentator and Holly Budge, the first woman to skydive Mount Everest.

The pair’s presence and about 200 runners from Kenya and Burundi makes the run a star attraction, giving it the clout it deserves on top of presenting a unique experience.

“Athletes will test their limits, runners will immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, tourists will be captivated by the splendour of the region, and local businesses will thrive as they witness the influx of participants and visitors,” said Emmy Hashakimana, the marketing and innovations director, Uganda Breweries Limited speaking at the launch which was graced by  Hon. Martin Mugarra Bahinduka, the State Minister Ministry of Tourism Wildlife & Antiquities.

With a Shs 800m bumper from Tusker Lite, it is safe to say the run will be facilitated to the brink with Equator Hikes, behind the wheel as organisers.  

Last year’s edition left a lasting impression on the Kasese community as it came with opportunities like employment and tourism that boosted the local economy, fulfilling the UBL virtue of transforming the lives of the people in the spaces they operate. In a nutshell, the marathon helps local businesses thrive.

“I thank the people of Kasese for embracing the marathon. We could see it in their enthusiasm last year and we hope for similar support this year. I strongly believe that last year’s success set the precedent for the second edition, which we expect to be bigger and better,” added Hashakimana.

One can register on, www.mt rwenzori marathon.com, for the marathon that will be followed with a 5km fun run and a Tusker Lite Neon.