Is it possible to have sex and not remember?

What you need to know:

  • People with parasomnias have been thought to be bewitched or even attacked by demons requiring exorcising or prayer and yet this is a recognised medical condition

Dear Doctor: A priest slept with a chaotic woman without knowing and made her pregnant. The woman was banished because it was believed that she bewitched the priest who then slept with her unknowingly. The priest said he did not remember sleeping with her and the bishop accepted the priest’s version. Can anyone have sex and not remember?
— Jacob Amandua

Dear Jacob: It is true that a man with many sexual partners may not remember all of them. In an event that the priest does not have many sexual partners and actually had sex with this woman but does not recall, it may be one of the few stories of a medical condition of sleep sex (sexsomnia) which is one of abnormal or unnatural behaviours during sleep are called parasomnias.
In some documented circumstances, sufferers have undressed their sexual counterparts while in their sleep before having sex with them.
Just like in sleepwalking, night dancing and sleep eating, either a woman or a man can perform this kind of sex while in the depth of sleep hence not being aware of it. Also just like sleepwalking, sexsomnia may start early in childhood and continue in adulthood.

People with parasomnias have been thought to be bewitched or even attacked by demons requiring exorcising or prayer and yet this is a recognised medical condition.
That he believed the priest but not the chaotic woman may indicate that the bishop may have been aware such a problem exists and as such gave the benefit of doubt to the priest who is less likely to lie as compared with the woman.