The dangers lurking around your home

Stagnant water, if left unattended to, can act as a breeding ground for mosquitos.

What you need to know:

  • Avoiding stagnant water is paramount to keeping harmful insects at bay. Around your home you can take measures to monitor any buildup of water in the grass, on the roof and in containers.
    After it has rained, be alert for the possibility of standing water and take action as soon as possible to avoid the infestation of disease-carrying mosquitoes.

As we go about our daily chores and tiresome routines, it is very possible to ignore some things around our homes that are a danger to us. Here we list a few of them.

Deadly plants
Many edible plants have deadly relatives and look-alikes. Positive identification of edible plants will eliminate the danger of accidental poisoning. There is no room for experimentation where plants are concerned, especially in your compound.
One the plants that are usually planted by many is the castor bean but it contains the poison ricin. Just one castor bean has enough ricin to kill an adult within a few minutes. Despite this grim quality, castor bean plants are frequently grown for decorative purposes, even in parks and public places.

The government has in the recent past launched a war against malaria by teaching people how to avoid getting the disease. One of those ways is through clearing bushes around one’s compound as they act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
The bushes can also act as breeding ground for snakes and other dangerous creatures. It is advisable to cut all bushes around your house.

Stagnant water
This is water that does not flow and it occurs especially after heavy rains. However, it can also be caused by human induced methods such as leaving old buckets or basins outside.
According to the World Health Organisation, pools of standing water are a breeding ground for insects such as mosquitoes or dragonflies. When the larvae or these insects are left undisturbed, these insects are left to grow into disease-transmitting adults. Mosquitoes in particular can carry a host of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. They can also carry heartworms and tapeworms to pets.
Avoiding stagnant water is paramount to keeping harmful insects at bay. Around your home you can take measures to monitor any buildup of water in the grass, on the roof and in containers.
Staying safe is easy if you are aware of the risks. After it has rained, be alert for the possibility of standing water and take action as soon as possible to avoid the infestation of disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Hanging electricity wires
Electrical wires are made up of copper which is a metal, metals conduct heat and electricity. The main reason they conduct heat and electricity is because they have additional electrons, when heat is applied it provides energy to these electrons, this additional energy makes them move out of their original shell thus expanding the atom structure. This overall expansion of the shells makes the entire wire expand to a certain extent.
Therefore, with time electrical wires around your house will start to hang low and these can have a number of adverse effects including electric shocks or electric fires which can lead to destruction of property. It is advisable to call the electricity generating company Umeme the moment you see a hanging electric wire near you home.

Trees hanging over your fence
I was once woken up from deep sleep as my neighbour shouted to chase away thugs who had broken into her home. I immediately woke up and dialed 911. The thugs had used a tree whose branches had overgrown from my neighbour’s compound into mine to climb into my compound.
As they fumbled to break the door to my house, police sirens could be heard from a distance and out of fear that they could be caught they ran. I thanked God that the police in Kiwatule is swift and quick.
Top on the agenda the following day was to cut down the tree. Ensure that trees do not overgrow your fence because these will be an easy way for thieves to access you home especially in your absence when you cannot call for help.

Avoiding stagnant water is paramount to keeping harmful insects at bay. Around your home you can take measures to monitor any buildup of water in the grass, on the roof and in containers.
After it has rained, be alert for the possibility of standing water and take action as soon as possible to avoid the infestation of disease-carrying mosquitoes.