Loving in silence

It happens whenever a lady starts dating, gets engaged or announces her upcoming wedding. Suddenly, sighs and clicks fill the air as the men at her workplace, neighbourhood or church start lamenting the ‘loss’ of such a beautiful one from their midst. “How could she be snatched from under our noses” becomes a common exclamation at such a time, as if anything had prevented them from speaking up!

Please excuse me, dear brethren. Where were you when the lady in question was single, available and searching? When she started avoiding relatives’ meetings because those aunties kept wondering at her single status, and she had to bravely bear conversations with well-meaning aunties that started with “Eh but now you Sandra, when are we going to come and celebrate your own?” Brethren, why didn’t you notice her beautiful eyes then, or her warm and caring nature? Why didn’t you ever think that maybe Sandra wanted to be taken out sometimes on a Friday evening, and to be complemented from time to time on her outfits?

Instead of doing all those thoughtful things, however, you were busy asking her for soft loans in the middle of the month, or maybe dumping the lion’s share of work on her. Perhaps you never took the time to find out more about her life outside the office, or notice that she favours the colour blue. Every time you worked together on a project, you probably noticed her signature scent, the one that made the whole office fragrant, but you never worked up the courage to tell her you like it. If you drive and she doesn’t, you probably saw her waiting for a taxi at the stage many times after work but never thought to stop and offer her a lift, telling yourself that you had no time to stop and you were probably headed in different directions anyway.

My friend, that is how she passed you by, and if you’re not careful, the same will happen with Fiona, Susan and Naabasa, who sends your heart racing whenever she flashes you one of her smiles. Speak up brother, love does not grow in silence!