Ugandan climate activist selected for Global Climate Reality training

Mr David Sempala after distributing tree seedlings to a group of pupils, under his project of promoting tree planting. Courtesy photo

Ugandan Media Entrepreneur and Sustainability activist,  Mr David Sempala has been selected among top leaders to attend a Climate Reality Leadership training in Los Angeles, California, USA.

 The selection process attracted many global climate defenders and Mr Sempala was selected to represent Uganda at this major training forum co-hosted by Alliance for Climate Protection and Climate Reality Project, a U.S. non-profit, public charity founded by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. The training forum is slated to start on August 28.

The forum, according to a statement, will train hundreds of Climate Reality Leaders to join Global Climate Leadership Corps programme.

Through the program, community leaders will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to spread the message about the urgency and solvability of the climate crisis. Trainees will be addressed by former US Vice President Al Gore, who will share his passion and teach trainees how to effectively convey the science and facts about climate change to their future audiences.

Mr Sempala is expected to coordinate efforts of Climate Reality Project is helping society strive together to implement solutions to climate change in Uganda

The Climate Reality Project’s mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis. Through undertaking a programme of science communication and translation activities,

He said the Climate Reality Project works to enable citizens at every level of society to become leaders of change.

Founded and chaired by former Vice President Al Gore following the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Climate Reality has been a pioneer in building a diverse set of voices on climate change.

  Internationally, over 10,000 individuals have been trained to better communicate and engage on this pressing issue.

 In 2015, through the Paris Agreement, the world committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and working towards a safe and sustainable future. Climate Reality is uniting millions of people from all corners of the globe and all walks of life to see that the commitment to limit the global temperature rise to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius is not only fulfilled but strengthened.

These efforts traverse both the global and the local, transcending the political and engaging broadly throughout the community. The project works across all sectors of society, from farmers and emergency responders to educators and the business sector.

 Mr  Sempala, a business entrepreneur, presently a chief executive officer of Royalway Media-  a communication firm and is also a founder of Sustainable Path Africa a not for profit engaged in fostering deeper awareness, understanding of principles of sustainable development and promoting bold actions andtransformative steps to shift the Africa onto a sustainable and resilient path to fight against climate change, access to clean water and poverty.

He  widely engages numerous stakeholders including businesses, government, media and communities on sustainable agendas and has over the years spearheaded numerous programmes including, fighting poverty and hunger through promotion of integrated agricultural sustainable practices  in Mukono and Luweero to improve output and promote healthy communities in Uganda. He is a strong advocate and an implementer of Green Growth initiatives.

Mr Sempala say that with more than 7 billion people on the planet, climate change dominating and the growing scarcity of natural resources, there is a strong need for individuals and organizations to design and implement effective sustainability and environmental management solutions.