Love your wife as you love your football team

What you need to know:

  • Fans were fast to defend their territories. One fan said, “Because a football team will make you feel as a winner and in other instances as a loser. But a girlfriend will only major in the field of making you a loser.”

There is something most women might never describe, the love men have for sports especially football. Most soccer fans behave like they are under a spell but no; they act the way they do by choice. Each fan follows his team religiously, which might make someone think that he is paid for doing so. But in reality, that is a bill he pays without complaining. A soccer fan will starve and complain about kameeza money but borrow from a friend just to watch a soccer game. This love and commitment is what women desire from you my dear brothers.

If you are capable of committing to that club whether it wins or loses, you are definitely capable of committing to your wife. The patience you practice with the coaches and players when they do not win the league is the same we request when things do not go as planned in the marriage.
Some men will claim that they are incapable of commitment to only one woman. He can even ignore her late night calls but wake up very early to watch a match between Manchester United and Arsenal.

Ann Kansiime, a Ugandan comedian posted on Facebook, “It is weird how some men can commit to one football team such as Arsenal for 20 years but cannot commit to one girl for three months.”
Fans were fast to defend their territories. One fan said, “Because a football team will make you feel as a winner and in other instances as a loser. But a girlfriend will only major in the field of making you a loser.”

Another said, “But a team has more than one player to support, unlike a girlfriend who has no tactics to impress a man.” This was a battle between women and men. One fan advised women to change their names to the soccer team so that a man will commit to her too.
When you read through the comments, it is proof that men fear reality. Why waste your emotions on a team and players who do not know how you sleep and ignore the one person who gives birth to your children and takes care of you?
It is okay to have a hobby but like the Bible says, “Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar…” Have as much fun as you want but when it comes to commitment, do the same for your wife. With that, everyone wins.

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