Workouts that burn the most calories

Swimming is not only a leisure activity but also one that will burn your calories faster than many workouts. Fast calorie burning workouts will see you achieve your weight loss targets fast in a healthy manner.

What you need to know:

When you are trying to lose weight, cutting calories counts. But so does burning them off with exercise. Here are the maximum calorie burners.

The need to exercise cannot be overstated if one desires to stay in shape. However, many are on the verge of giving up due to luck of results. Marylyn Abeja has struggled to lose weight for long despite working out diligently, every day.
“I do not know why I am only gaining weight rather than losing. Where am I going wrong?” she asks desperately. Robert Ddamulira of Robbie Fitness, mentions that there are several workouts that can help Abeja and those struggling with burning excess calories.

Insanity workout
This is one of the most challenging fitness regimens as it involves the whole body. Here, Ddamulira says, you do not have to go to the gym or have any equipment.
Herbert Guma started doing this workout in a bid to lose the flabby arms and pot belly he had developed.
“The start was not easy but because I was shy to go to the gym, I did them in the comfort of my home using my body weight for resistance. However, my challenge was commitment and for that I hired an instructor,” Guma says.
Ddamulira explains that the regimen has its roots in interval training where one exercises at a very intense rate for short periods ,with rest in between.

“The aim behind it all is to increase one’s aerobic fitness while burning fats, he says, adding that fat of up to 1,000 calories can be burnt in an hour when one does this exercise.
The regimen has 10 workouts and Guma says his instructor grouped them into two with each routine done for 30 or 60 minutes.
“I worked out for six days every week and the first month had fit test, cardio power and resistance, cardio recovery and pure cardio while the second month had max interval circuit, max interval plyo, max cardio conditioning and max recovery,” he says, adding that he had a week of recovery after the first month and during this time did a daily core cardio and balance routine.

The insanity workout targets the core as the cardio abs workout has a great impact on the mid-section and legs because the plyometric routine which incorporates jumping and hopping exercise tones the legs and arms.
“The urge to give up is always great but with an instructor that never does things halfway, I have finished three weeks so far,” Guma shares.

Running up the stairs
Sheila Katungi had tried all kinds of exercises but was not getting the break she desired with her thighs. “They were flabby and continually rubbed against each other which irritated me.
I had used the treadmill, went jogging and skipped rope with no clear results. That was until a friend told me about using the stair case to my house,” She says.

Previously, Katungi had complained about the staircase saying they were annoying and labourious. However, they have turned out to be of great help in her journey to tone her thighs. Elly Barangi, a fitness coach says running up a set of stairs is not only great for muscle-building and improving your cardiovascular fitness level, it also helps to burn calories. The workout elevates the heart rate while the heart and lungs pump more blood and oxygen, resulting in a higher caloric burn.

It is, therefore, better than doing the same distance on flat ground. He adds that one’s speed, number of steps, and their height wholly determine the overall calorie burn.
Therefore, he says, it is ideal to keep a faster pace up the stairs for maximum gain while for safety, he advises one to walk while descending. Besides that, Barangi says, for one’s muscles to work harder, taking two steps at a time will increase calorie burn

Vigorous swimming
Besides being therapeutic, Ddamulira says swimming is great for strength and cardio strengthening. But most importantly, it helps to burn calories.
“The mystery with swimming is that while a human body needs 98.6 degrees for optimal functionality, an average pool has a temperature of 80 degrees. Therefore, one’s body will burn calories by simply trying to keep warm.”

Skipping rope
This little trick that we learned growing up is quite handy when it comes to burning maximum calories. And mind you, all it takes is a skipping rope and some space to do it. Adding weights to the skipping rope will amp up the effect accordingly. Try to jump as many times without breaking the momentum. The ideal is 120 jumps in a minute. It will burn up to 900 calories in an hour.