KCCA's director of legal affairs resigns

Mr Charles Ouma

KAMPALA- Mr Charles Ouma, the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) director of Legal Affairs has resigned.

Our sources reveal that he tendered in his notice to resign last week and indicated that he would  cease being a KCCA employee on April 29 2019.

KCCA spokesman, Peter Kaujju confirmed Mr Ouma's resignation.

"He gave notice of resignation after 8 solid years of service to KCCA. We do wish him the best in the life ahead," Mr Kaujju's text reads.

Asked why KCCA directors were running away from the institution, Mr Kaujju said that resignations are normal in the world of employment.

Daily Monitor couldn't easily establish the cause of Mr Ouma's resignation.

Mr Ouma has served KCCA for eight years since its establishment in 2011.

He first served as deputy director Legal Affairs from 2011 until 2017 when he was appointed acting director following the resignation of Mr Mike Okua. Mr Okua was one of former KCCA executive director Jennifer Musisi's blue-eyed boy.

He joins a list of other senior officials who have quit City Hall, something that raises many questions.

The officials who have resigned over the years include; Ms Jennifer Musisi (executive director), Dr Judith Tukahirwa (deputy executive director), Mr Daniel Kyambadde (director treasury services), Mr Fred Andema (director revenue collection), Dr Martin Kiiza (manager in charge of drainage), Dr David Sseruka (director public health), Ms Jennifer Kaggwa (director human resource), and Dr Jeremy Ntambi (manager in the directorate of engineering and technical service).