Pablo marks nine years standing up

Pablo cracks up fans at National Theatre. Photo by Edgar R. Batte

Comedian Pablo had to go at it with fellow local comedians on Friday, after Nigeria’s Klint Da Drunk called in to apologise that he would not make it to the show at the last moment.

In an e-mail communication the main celebrant shared with the audience, Klint had to rush back to home to attend to his sick child as he was about to board the plane to Uganda.

“Please keep your ticket safe because Klint has promised to come and hold a make-good show soon,” Pablo told the audience at National Theatre.
That did not kill the mood. Pablo, born Kenneth Kimuli, cracked the crowd as he played the emcee role inviting career friends like Daniel Omara, Richard Tuwangye, Bob “Double – Double” and new kid on the block Joseph Rwabtomize aka Laptop.

“I have managed to represent Uganda in several countries sharing the stage with celebrated comedians from other countries. Comedy has been my major bread winner in the last nine years,” Pablo said of his nine-year journey as a rib-cracker.

Fans were tickled with jokes that touched subjects of relationships and the tricky scenarios therein, the politics surrounding Kampala city’s leadership, and mockery among other subjects.