With sleep, there is no compromising

Lack of sleep can cause substantial damage to your immune system, reduce your level of concetration and even contribute to weight gain, writes Agnes K. Namaganda

You’re probably familiar with that foggy feeling that is a result of lack of sleep that leaves you weak, sleep and unable to perform to your optimum. But not sleeping enough can also cause substantial damage to your immune system, reduce your level of concentration and even contribute to weight gain according to Dr Tony Kapsandui of Reproductive Health Uganda- Mbale Branch.

Sleeping helps regulate your body weight
He says that studies have shown that one of the lesser-known benefits of sleep is in the regulation of hormones that control your appetite. “When your body is deprived of sleep, hormones in the body are disrupted, leading to an increase an appetite.” But even more shocking is that this increase in food craving is for foods high in calories, fats and carbohydrates. So lack of sleep could probably be the reason behind those extra kilos that are piling on.

Improves your memory retention and brain efficiency with sleep
Sleeping eliminates that cloudy feeling that makes it hard to concentrate thus improving your memory retention, and allowing your brain to remember facts, faces and conversations.

Dissipates anger and bitterness
Angella, a 24-year-old, says she usually finds it easier to forgive a day later and actually wakes up wondering exactly why she was so fuelled up about a previous day’s happening. “Not that the gravity of the matter reduces but I usually find that what I was angry about wasn’t that much of a deal after a good night’s sleep.” Know the saying, “Why don’t you sleep on it?” Actually most people find that after they sleep, it’s easier to come up with a way forward or a better solution to their problem or challenge.

Sleep for body repair and beauty
Dr Kapsandui says that tissue repair and healing happens during sleep. Without these repairs, the neurons may not function correctly due to a buildup of waste products. Damage done to the skin by UV light, stress, pollutants and infections in the body can all be mended in the night while you sleep. Actually, most patients are advised to sleep as much as possible because as the body rests, damaged tissue is fixed in the process.

Sleeping reduces stress
“A good night’s sleep lowers blood pressure and the elevated levels of stress hormones which are a natural result of today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Physical effects of stress such as the increase in aging, degeneration of body cells can be reversed during sleep as the body is in a state of relaxation,” the doctor says.

Sleep helps keep your heart healthy
Dr Kapsandui also says that your heart and cardiovascular system is constantly under pressure, and one of the benefits of sleep is that it helps to reduce the levels of stress and inflammation in your body. High levels of ‘inflammatory markers’ are linked to heart attacks, heart disease and strokes. Sleep can also help keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which play a role in heart disease) lower.

Power naps
These make up for when you do not have the luxury of having a full night’s sleep or for those nights when baby cries all night yet you have to work the next day and your boss may not exactly take to you moving around the office like a zombie for lack of sleep. And sometimes, you’re just sleepy for no reason and need to recharge. Benefits are that you’re protected from broad daylight sleepiness. It boosts creativity, increased cognitive functioning, increased alertness and productivity and stamina. Find a fairly dark, quiet place with little movement and sleep.