The best colours to wear on a first date

Red is the colour of love and desire, known to evoke feelings of attraction and arousal. PHOTO | COURTESY/

What you need to know:

  • Bold colours such as red or burgundy can exude passion and energy, while softer tones such as blush or pastels can convey a sense of romance and femininity.

As the anticipation of going on a first date sets in, the excitement can be often tinged with a bit of nervousness. From choosing the perfect outfit to radiating confidence, there are several factors to consider when preparing for that all-important initial meeting to make it memorable and successful.

Relationship counsellor Sarah Birungi, advises individuals to opt for an outfit that makes them feel comfortable, yet confident. 

“Choose something that reflects your personal style while also considering the venue and occasion. Whether it is a casual coffee date or a fancy dinner, aim for an outfit that is both stylish and appropriate. Selecting the right outfit can significantly impact your confidence and leave a lasting impression,’’  she says. 

Birungi explains that paying attention to the little details that can elevate the outfit is important. Accessories such as necklaces or a pair of stylish earrings can add a touch of glamour, while well-maintained shoes and a polished hairstyle can complete a look.

Choosing colours  

Colours can convey different emotions and messages evoking positive feelings and confidence. Bold colours such as red or burgundy can exude passion and energy, while softer tones such as blush or pastels can convey a sense of romance and femininity. Neutral colours such as black, white, or navy are timeless and versatile options that never go out of style. 

Wearing red on a first date showcases passion, excitement, and confidence. Red is the colour of love and desire, known to evoke feelings of attraction and arousal. It is a bold and assertive choice that can make a strong impression, allowing the wearer to stand out and make a memorable impact.

But you might not want to overdo it. Opt for a statement piece such as a blazer or a dress that brings vitality to your outfit.


Blue can be a very calming colour. It is also one of the most popular colours, so you are sure that it will be pleasing and reassuring for your date.

A 2021 study published in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) found that the colour blue makes people trust you more.

There is also navy, which can be an underrated colour when it comes to dressing for first dates. If you want to look refined and put-together, navy is the colour for you. When it is paired with white, it can look particularly crisp and classic. When styled correctly, navy is classic yet modern and flattering.


Wearing black on a first date suggests sophistication, power and elegance. It can also project an air of confidence and authority, which can be attractive to some individuals.

You can be as bold or subtle with black as you please, depending on the style of your date. For a dinner date, you could go for a little black dress with a vibrant pair of shoes. For something more casual, a black leather jacket with statement jewelry always looks great.


Another timeless look can come from wearing white; just try not to go too bridal.

White can be more dependent on the weather, but it is also a very popular first date colour because it is associated with purity, simplicity and it can help create a fresh and innocent atmosphere.

But at the end of the day, you want your date to get to know the real you. The most important thing to wear is what makes you feel comfortable and confident as that can have a positive effect on your overall demeanor.


Birungi says confidence is key when it comes to making a positive first impression. So, cultivating a positive mindset before the date is crucial. 

“Mindset matters. Take a few moments to practice deep breathing or visualisation techniques to calm your nerves and boost your confidence. Remind yourself of your worth and the qualities that make you unique,” she says. 

Be present and engaged

During the date, focus on being present and attentive to your date, Birungi suggests, adding “Put away your phone and actively listen to what your date is saying. Show genuine interest by asking thoughtful questions and maintaining eye contact. Remember, communication is not just about talking, but also about listening.”

While confidence is key, Birungi observes that authenticity is attractive. She argues that dating should be a lighthearted and enjoyable experience and so individuals should remain relaxed and focus on having a good time and getting to know each other. 

“Do not try to be someone you are not or pretend to like things just to impress your date. Be genuine and authentic, as this will create a deeper connection and set the foundation for a meaningful relationship. Do not put too much pressure on yourself or overthink every interaction. Just relax, be yourself, and let the conversation flow naturally,” Birungi tips.

Set intentions, not expectations

Birungi advises that instead of going into the date with a list of expectations, set intentions for how you want to feel and behave.

“Focus on being open minded, curious, and authentic, rather than fixating on specific outcomes,” she says, adding that one should also prepare a few interesting conversation starters or questions to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. These could be related to shared interests, current events, or thought-provoking topics that can spark meaningful discussions.”

Birungi notes that individuals should understand that not every first date will lead to a second, and that is okay. Rejection is a normal part of dating, and it is important to maintain perspective and not take it personally. Use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.