Diary of a Working Married Mother: Thankful that I have work to do

Diary of a Working Married Mother

What you need to know:

Even though my workload is literally breaking my back, many people, including my friends and business associates, are still struggling to get back on their feet. But I strongly believe God will see us all through.

Our President was sworn in this week for a sixth term. There was excitement in some quarters and a bit of apprehension in others, as we all braced ourselves for a successful event. Successful in the sense that all would go according to plan. And it was. We even got a day off in the process, which I appreciated because I got a chance to catch up on several things.

I cannot remember a time I have been this swamped with work because for most of my worklife, I have always balanced my work-home life. This was prompted by something I saw growing up. During my primary school days, my father would come home with work and stay up all night.

I promised myself I would never do the job he was doing because I did not want to end up like him. We hardly ever had time with him because he was always very busy. I learnt the term ‘burning the midnight candle from him. Thankfully, mum always had time for us.

Sadly, though I have now become just like dad. Working all day in the office and bringing work home. Despite the workload, I still try to make time for the family. But, they have had to put up with me missing a few mealtimes as I tried to finish up pending assignments. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel and I thank God I have come this far.

The boys have been busy themselves with revision and discussions for the end-of-term examinations. It will not be long before they are done though. Hopefully, by then, I will also be free to do all the things I love that I have had to put on hold for now.

I guess my workload pales in comparison to the President’s as he embarks on another five years in which he has a lot to do to turn the country around following the economic, social, and political challenges that came with the Covid-19 pandemic. I wonder what it would be like to be president even for one day. Maybe we should all take a shot at it so we can appreciate the rigours of that office.

I am thankful that I have work to do, even though it is breaking my back literally. Many people, including my friends and business associates, are still struggling to get back on their feet. But I strongly believe God will see us all through.