How DJ Jacob found love on Facebook

What you need to know:
Your knight. Jacob Akugizibwe Kyaligonza is a DJ and a presenter with Dembe FM. He opens up to Christine Katende about being love, radio and other things.
Tell us about yourself
My name is Jacob Akugizibwe Kyaligonza aka DJ Jacob Omutuuze. I’m simple, straight forward and short-tempered. But despite all that, I’m a good family man.
Professionally, I’m an electrical engineer. However, for the last 13 years, I have worked as a DJ and a presenter with Dembe FM. I now host the Love Request Show every Sunday from 7pm to midnight.
How did an electrical engineer end up on radio?
I started as technical person—working in a cold room. Then I got training in radio. Shortly I got posted to production and before I knew it I was on air and I am finally living my dream.
The likes of Bina Baibe and Wilson Kittata aka Mayende Quick Reporter among other colleagues encouraged me into this trade.
How different is DJJacob Omutuuze from Kyaligonza?
DJ Jacob Omutuuze is an entertainer, he is funny, outgoing and a stress reliever. Kyaligonza on the other hand is calm, collected and reserved.
What is your show about?
It is a real life show where people share their experiences.
Are you dating, engaged or married?
I’m finally settled, with a princess, a beautiful woman called Maria. I just love her personality.
She is understanding, patient and does not care about my so-called radio celebrity status, something many other women fall for.
How did you two meet?
We met online (on Facebook) seven years ago. I sent her a request and she accepted. But the next phase wasn’t easy because it took me a whole lot of work to persuade and finally convince her to let me in.
It was such a hassle. Maria wasn’t your usual girl. It took hard work to win her heart.
When was your first relationship?
I first dated when I was 15. My girl-friend then was much older than me. But my first serious relationship was when I was in high school.
Unfortunately, my English teacher snatched her (my girlfriend) away from me. I was so disappointed and that tormented me for a while.
What do you mean snatched her?
He literary stole her from me. That man was so experienced and I was still an amateur.
Do you think you’re a loving person?
Yes, I think so. And I am also a responsible man. I have a lovely daughter called Melisa.
So how do you understand love?
For me love comes from the heart and it can be expressed through passion among other ways.
What does being responsible translate into for a man?
To my knowledge, it is a man who is in touch with the reality and lives within his means.
What craziest thing have you done for love?
I once composed a love song for my (current) girlfriend. It was sung for her by one of the local artiste, Ambassador.
You are a kind of a love doctor, considering the kind of show you host. What are some of the frequent issues your listeners ask you or want solved?
Shuttered hope is something that is always evident. This is as a result of poor understanding either of the person or due to improper communication.
What I do is to try to resurrect the lost hope and advice on how to go about such challenges.
Do women hit on you?
Ayaaa!!! Many of them. They pretend to be seeking for relationship advice but in actual sense they are trying to trap me into a relationship.
Any lesson from your past relationships?
There are several. First, I can never fall in love with a workmate. I can never love women who are financially stable or older than me because they think all you want is their money.
I have since realised that most women are liars. They pretend to be in love with you yet they are cheating on you with other men.
What have you found is the requirement for a long-lasting relationship?
Love, good, regular communication.
Where do most women go wrong when it comes to relationships?
When they lose self-esteem, and lack confidence and when they refuse to accept reality and good advice.
Have you ever been disappointed?
Yeah. I once travelled to Jinja to meet a girl whose beautiful pictures I saw on Facebook had enticed me. Upon seeing her I was disappointed. The girl was a shadow of the pictures I had seen on Facebook. For lack of a better description, the person I meet was so ugly and different. How Facebook pictures can mislead! Guys be warned.
was this before or after you met your current girlfriend, because it seems you continued to trust Facebook?
It was after, but only my girlfriend is stubborn.
More ladies tune in to your show than men, why is it so?
I think it is because I use/share real life experience. I always want my audience to learn and believe in themselves.
JACOB’s tip
Since there is no perfect relationship, always find time to resolve the issues that crop up in the process and also, try to learn the person you’re in a relationship with for it will be easier for you to know their likes and dislikes.