Disabled student seeks Shs15m for heart surgery

Majid Gakoolyo (Left), whose daughter Saidah Kasubo (Centre) seeks Shs15m for a second open heart surgery at Mulago Hospital. Right is her brother. PHOTO/RONALD SEEBE

The family of a disabled 22-year-old girl in Gatongana ward, Nsinze Town Council, Namutumba District, is seeking Shs15m to enable her undergo a second open heart surgery at Mulago National Referral Hospital.

Saidah Kasubo, a Senior Six student of Sure Prospect Senior Secondary School in Entebbe municipality, was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect (AS), a hole in the wall of her heart (atria) when she was three years old, according to her father, Majid Gakoolyo.

Gakoolyo says the condition, which was characterised by “sweating under chilly temperature,” started when she was aged 2, and was mistaken for malaria.

But he says the condition worsened when Kasubo was approaching 5 years in October 22, 2007.

She was taken to Mulago Hospital where the first open heart surgery was done with support from lawmaker Hellen Asamo, who represented People with Disabilities (PWDs) for Eastern region.

“Asamo helped us so much by footing all the bills, including paying her school fees,” Gakoolyo said, adding that “at the time, her condition normalised and she started primary education and later joined secondary under Asamo’s sponsorship.”

“When she joined ‘A’ level, she started sweating and her condition worsened after completing Senior Five. Because Asamo failed to make it to the 11th Parliament, the sponsorship wasn’t forthcoming. She then returned home after studying for two weeks of first term in Senior Six,” the father said.

He further explained that last August, doctors recommended an urgent heart surgery at a cost of between Shs15m.

“I request for help from well-wishers in order to raise the funds needed so as to rescue my girl’s life,” he appealed.

Currently, Gakoolyo says, his daughter “sweats unnecessarily even when it is cold”, adding that sometimes when she falls sick, her heart pumps abnormally.

He notes that the daughter last had treatment last July pending an operation, if they get money.

 “Doctors told me that if she is operated at Mulago, the cost will be between Shs15m and Shs20m, but if in India it will be between Shs70m and Shs80m. I would wish that she is operated  at Mulago for the second time,” he added.

How you can help

Contributions can be sent directly to the father’s number 0777 678 177 (GAKOOLYO MAGIDU) or mother 0779791923 (SARAH ORINJO)