Here is how chickpeas are essential in your diet


What you need to know:

  • The legume is rich in protein and makes an excellent replacement for meat especially for people who do not want to consume animal products such as vegans and vegetarians.

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a rich source of vitamins, minerals such as iron, folate, fibre, phosphorus, oleic acid, and calories, fat, carbohydrates, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, thiamine, vtamin B6, selenium and potassium.

According to Ivan Philip Baguma, a nutritionist at Nella, a combination of such nutrients comes with plenty of health benefits. They are an excellent source of carbohydrate, protein, fiber, B vitamins, and some minerals, they are a nutritious staple of many diets.

"The legume is high in protein and makes an excellent replacement for meat in many vegetarian and vegan dishes. Protein is also known for its role in weight management, bone health, and muscle strength," he says.

Helps in weight management 

Chickpeas are essential in weight management because they keep you feeling satisfied for a long time. 
The protein and fibre content in the peas slow digestion and increase levels of appetite-reducing hormones in your body. This in turn lowers your calorie intake at meals and hence managing you weight. 

Blood sugar regulation
The beans have a fairly low glycemic index; a marker of how rapidly your blood sugar rises after eating food.
Baguma says, "This character once combined with the fibre and protein slow down carbohydrate absorption to promote a steady rise in blood sugar levels rather than a spike. This would also help in the prevention of sudden surges in the insulin level keeping diabetes in check."

May promote brain health
Chickpeas are a great source of choline which is required for the production of specific neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers for your body’s nerve cells. They can support brain function and mental health.

This legume contains minerals like magnesium (which is essential for proper nerve function) selenium, and zinc, may help protect against depression and anxiety. 

Prevent iron deficiency
Chickpeas are an excellent source of iron. The nutrient is involved in the production of red blood cells. People at risk of iron deficiency can get good amounts of iron from the chickpeas. They also contain some vitamin C, which may help boost your body’s iron absorption

Improve bowel movements
Fibre content in the chickpeas helps the digestive system which in turn improves bowel movements because it adds bulk to stool.

"The fibre is also essential in reducing inflammation in the cell wall of the colon, promoting regularity in the intestines, and possibly prevent colorectal cancer," Baguma says.

How to cook chickpeas
Bring to boil one cup of dry chickpeas in three cups of water in a pan. Soaking the peas overnight reduces cooking time and brings tenderness easier. When boiling, reduce the heat to low-medium and simmer for 60-90 minutes or until desired tenderness. You may add more water if the beans do not reach desired tenderness and further cook time is needed.

Chickpeas have a nutty buttery flavour and creamy texture. This makes them versatile and can be added in many recipes such as salads, stews and soups.  They can also be mashed and used as an alternative for flour. When roasted and ground, chickpeas can be used as a caffeine-free alternative to coffee.