Is having one testicle determining the gender of my children?

My testicles itch so much that I have to hide and scratch

What you need to know:

  • Men usually inherit their tendency to have sons or daughters from their parents and not as a result of having one testicle.

I have three daughters and recently discovered that I have only one testicle. Could this be the reason I am unable to have male children? NKN

Dear NKN,
All over the world, couples prefer to have mixed gender of children. And when couples have only one gender say only boys or only girls, many causes are suspected, including a man having one testicle.

A man may have a single testicle because one did not descend into the scrotum, or may have died because its blood was cut off say due to torsion. Also, a testicle may not have developed at all.

Many men with a single testicle if they are healthy and do not have fertility issues common in even persons with two testicles, will make a woman pregnant and have both male and female children since one testicle can provide enough testosterone for one to make enough mixed gender sperms, get an erection and ejaculate enough sperm to cause reproduction.

When a man’s sperm that contains the Y chromosome fertilises a woman’s ovum, the woman will get pregnant with a boy and X chromosome sperm, a girl, making it imperative that theoretically, it is the man who determines the sex of the baby a couple will have.

Men usually inherit their tendency to have sons or daughters from their parents and not as a result of having one testicle.