Osire’s journey of losing 17kgs in 12 months

Osire says she was able to lose weight through eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.  PHOTO/COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Conceiving seven months after giving birth to her first baby depressed Osire so much that the only way she found solace was through food.
  • As the kilos piled on, she had to find a way to regain her ideal weight of 71kgs.
  • She shares this journey with Esther Bridget Nakalya.

At 93 kilogrammes, Faith Osire felt unhealthy and ashamed of how much weight she had gained. She blamed it all on the fact that she had not properly spaced her children.

“When my first born was only seven months old, I conceived. Because this was not planned, I became depressed and started eating excessively, leading to weight gain,” she shares.

With the ever-increasing appetite, Osire would eat anything that came her way. The unhealthy eating went on for a while and of course the kilos kept piling on. She was not bothered much by this until she started getting rude comments from her friends and family members.

“The comments were a wakeup call. I realised I had gained so much weight, especially when I started facing difficulty walking even for the shortest distance,” she says, adding that one day, after a general check-up at a hospital, the nurse told her she was at great risk of developing other health complications that would last and affect her future is she did not lose the weight. 

“Before getting pregnant, I weighed 71kgs. I was now determined to lose the extra weight through following a strict diet and workout plan,” she says, adding that at six months of age, when her baby could now take solid foods, she started her journey of losing 17kgs in 12 months. 

Avocado seed powder
Osire had researched widely on the benefits of avocado seeds, which she ground into a powder that she had learnt was able to provide relief for a number of ailments. This powder, she learnt was also good for those who wanted to lose weight.

The powder, she adds, is used in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, skin care and fungal infections, among others.

“I would add half a teaspoon of the powder once a day in my water, tea or even juice,” she says, adding that this helped her lose weight because every time she consumed the powder, she would feel full for longer, which meant she also ate less.

Experts say avocado seeds are packed with dietary fibre, which is a key component in weight loss. Fibre promotes feelings of fullness and aids in digestion. By including avocado seeds in your diet, you can increase your fibre intake, potentially reducing cravings and preventing overeating. 

According to www.masalamonk.com, while not directly linked to weight loss, taking care of your overall well-being is essential for a successful weight loss journey. Avocado seeds can be used in do-it-yourself skincare and self-care rituals, allowing you to pamper yourself while reaping the benefits.

Grind avocado seeds into a powder and combine them with natural ingredients such as honey or yoghurt to create a rejuvenating face mask or body scrub. Indulging in self-care rituals can boost your mood, reduce stress, and contribute to a positive mindset, a vital component of weight loss success. 

For fitness, Osire opted to walk rather than going to the gym. She started with taking a 20-minute walk and later advanced to taking long walks three times a week. The walks, she notes, were challenging in the first weeks but with time, her body adjusted to the physical activity.

“I would breathe uncontrollably and feel exhausted after a short walk. However, I chose to remain determined,” she says, adding that the beautiful scenery in her neighbourhood was also one of the reasons she persisted.

“I would take a break to relax and enjoy the scenery and then continue with my walk. This way, I stopped feeling tired and would walk for longer distances without getting tired,” Osire adds.
According to Jimmy Otim, a fitness coach, consistency is key in achieving great results.

He tips that one can only take a break in case they experience intense pains and immediately start on with lighter workouts or join Zumba classes, which is a relaxing approach in attending to muscle pains from vigorous workouts.

The gym instructor tips on lighter workouts as a possible solution to deal with muscle pain and a great booster for a continuous and progressive workout plan.

Listen to your cravings
Your body will tell you what it needs through cravings. Craving for peanut butter and celery, watermelon or a plain cheese are examples of healthy cravings.

Unfortunately, many us sabotage our weight loss goals by craving things such as glazed donuts, pizza and sodas. Cravings often indicate there is a nutritional imbalance and finding healthy alternatives is imperative to good health.

You may also want to check with your doctor whether you have a hormone imbalance, as this may also cause cravings.