Rope skipping is a great calorie-burner

You can practice jumping rope alongside other forms of exercise and adjust your technique based on your fitness level.  PHOTO/COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • Skipping rope alone is not enough to lose weight but also requires a planned diet, weight loss goals, commitment and high activity level.

Ever wondered why professional boxers skip rope during training? As it turns out, it is an integral part of their training and for good reason. Skipping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise, it improves foot work which is important to boxers, improves overall coordination, builds mental toughness and improves reaction speed.

The benefits of skipping rope do not stop in the boxing world. Some experts have reason to believe that skipping rope gives one a better workout than running since it also involves one’s shoulders, wrists, and arms on top of the legs and back. 

Because skipping rope can be done anywhere, it is a good option for anybody who wants to get fit on a budget. It is also perfect for people who live in the kind of neighbourhoods where jogging or walking may be undesirable for different reasons. Plus, skipping rope is not weather dependent unlike other exercises such as walking, cycling and jogging. 

Several studies have pointed to the benefits of skipping rope daily, including burning calories and improving mental health. 

Burns calories faster
Studies have showed that 15 minutes of jumping rope burns up to twice as many calories as a 15-minute run. This implies that jumping rope is twice as effective at burning calories as running, making it an effective exercise for people who do not have a lot of time to exercise.

The implication is that for those of us that are having a hard time developing a regular workout routine because of time, jumping rope is perfect. 

Healthy heart 
Jumping rope keeps your heart healthy, according to the American Heart Association. The medical body created an entire movement around jumping rope because it has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and reduce inflammation.

On top of that, the American Association for Health and other reputable organisations have in the past published a study that revealed that jumping rope is a more efficient cardiovascular workout than jogging.

Weight loss
According to the American Heart Association, in just two 10-minute jump rope sessions, you can burn up to 200 calories and practicing every day for seven days can help you burn more than 1,000 calories per week. In comparison, a 20-minute run clocks in at about 100-150 calories, a clear sign that skipping rope is more efficient than jogging. Experts say one pound of fat is equivalent to about 3,500 calories, meaning it would take 12 days of skipping rope to lose a pound.

Better coordination
According to Dr Ntegge Ssengendo, a sports doctor, skipping rope regularly makes you lighter on your feet. He adds that this is why professional boxers prefer this workout. 

“Jumping rope has a way of making a connection between your mind and body, improving your coordination and balance because you are focusing your mind on your feet for sustained periods of time,” he says.

Full body workout
Abbey Ssemanda, a gym instructor, says skipping rope works upon one’s entire body at ago as it works on all the muscles from lower muscles such as calves and hamstrings while also working on the upper ones such as triceps, biceps, chest muscles, shoulders, and back muscles. He adds that jumping rope also builds one’s body’s strength.

Healthy feet
According to Dr Ssengendo, skipping rope improves the health of one’s feet, although he is quick to add that it must be done barefoot. 

“Our feet become less healthy because of shoes since shoes restrict muscle movements in our feet and causes injury. Skipping barefoot helps strengthen the muscles that handle our overall balance through the foot-to-earth connection,” he says. 

Improves mental health
Dr Ssengendo adds that skipping rope is one of the more enjoyable exercises and doing it regularly may reduce the risk of developing depression. And because it is a fun way to work out, the body releases endorphins, which helps alleviate stress. 

“Frankly, any workout helps improve one’s mood so it not just skipping rope. Workouts are great at improving sleep, which results in better mood and high energy,” the doctor says.

While some of the benefits of jumping rope are not exclusive to just this one exercise, skipping rope has the added advantage of being easy on the pocket, versatile because it can be done anywhere, easy and fun to do. Skipping rope, while it is less cumbersome than jogging for instance, is more effective at burning fat.